Visual composition slideshow - Alexia Rowe

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A PowerPoint presentation on the elements of photography

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Elements of Photography

By Alexia Rowe

Line photography provides movement, organization and texture, as well as gives guide to the eye, movement, and makes a statement or universal meaning.


One of the basic elements of design, shape conveys universal meanings, and provides a guide to the eye. It can also organize information. There are three types of shape; geometric, natural, and abstract.

Shape 2D

The three- dimensionality of an object is form. It is life; you can take hold, walk around, and walk in form.

Form 3D

Color affects both men and women, possibly

differently. By affecting the human nervous

system, we respond to colors emotionally.


Texture is a part of our world. It becomes the

visual or tactile surface that completes a piece.


Our world is three-dimensional, and full of depth. Any artist can use illusions to distribute depth.

Depth (Perspective)

Depth, when manipulated, can make the viewer see the items in the piece at a farther, or perhaps closer distance.

Light at different volumes provide contrast for the picture. This then leads to a certain emotion or feeling that is being played with within the photo.


Because of the simple reason that we can not show motion in one photo, we use simple or even complex tricks to perceive motion. Such tricks are; Anticipated Movement, Fuzzy Outlines, Multiple Images, Optical Movement, Optical Illusions, and Rhythm and Movement.

Direction (Motion)

Mass is equivalent to size, and each piece you create has a visual weight. Every element within the piece has their own mass that is relative to the piece as a whole.

Mass (Visual Weight)

Also referred to as value, tone is the various degrees of lighting of a subject. The color of the image is not important. Elements within tone are; Shade: color with black. Tint: color with white. Tone: color with grey.

Tone (Black and White)

Value is the lightness or darkness of a specific area. It can be used to emphasis something, create a focal point, or create illusion’s of depth. Areas of different lighting cave give a three-dimensional impression.


Space is in an image to serve a purpose. Space includes the background, foreground and middle ground. Positive space means the space of a shape represents the subject matter. Negative space means the space around and between the subject matter.

Space (Positive and


There are three types of balance; Symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial. Symmetrical is when one half of the picture looks exactly like the other half. Asymmetrical is when one half of the picture looks similar, but is not the same as the other half. Radial is circular or spiral paths are formed in the image.


Emphasis is used to provide focal points for the subject. Also called dominance, Emphasis is used to make the key point of the image, stand out.


Proportion; referred to as the size and scale of various things in an

image, is mainly the relationship between the things. It is necessary to discuss proportion in terms of the context or standard used to determine proportions.

Proportion (Scale)

Repetition is used to make the subject readable or understandable. It makes the viewer have a knowledgeable guess of what to expect.

Repetition (Rhythm)

Unity is used to make the objects in the image seem as if they are related. To achieve this, you can use proximity, repetition, and continuation.


Contrast occurs when two elements are different. The less similar two elements are, the greater the contrast. The key is to making the differences obvious.


Harmony is all about appearance. It is to make the visual image appealing, and visually satisfying. Harmony is made when combining similar and related elements.


By spacing pieces and organizing them according to their relation to each other, you are creating visual structure and gives the subject and organized feel.


Variety means to make an element different. It is a compliment to unity and is needed to create visual interest. Without it, an image is chaotic, unreadable, dull and



Elements of Photography

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By Alexia Rowe
