UX = User + Experience #ONA15

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UX = User + ExperienceDamon Kiesow, @dkiesowHead of Mobile Initiatives

McClatchy Company

11:30am - 12:30am | #ONA15ux

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux


Next comes ubiquitous computing, or the age of calm technology, when technology recedes into the background of our lives. - Mark Weiser

Take for example, a hammer: it is ready-to-hand; we use it without theorizing… Only when it breaks or something goes wrong might we see the hammer as present-at-hand, just lying there. - Martin Heidegger


@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Journalism Tech is a cargo cult

Ritual not innovation

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

We are chasing technology

Print Radio TV Internet Phone ?? ??

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

What will save journalism?

(Go ahead and Google it)

iPad, Apple Watch, Tony Haile, Crowdfunding, Rich tech guys, Facebook, Cat

Videos, Bitcoin, Data, Niche Reporting, Marshawn Lynch, Rap Genius, Native

Advertising, Social Media…

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Cause or Cure Cancer?


@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Do you have a Watch plan?

• audience • content • revenue • tempo • voice • publishing • editing • error correction

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

• car dashboard? • refrigerator • front door • contact lens • jewelry • microwave • smoke detector • bathroom mirror

What about

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Glass is eating the world*

*Source: Benedict Evans & Corning

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Ubiquitous computing

• Everything has a chip • We stop noticing

Next comes ubiquitous computing, or the age of calm technology, when technology recedes into the background of our lives.

Mark Weiser (1952- 1999) Chief Scientist Xerox PARC


@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Opportunity Costs

We can’t do everything

We can barely count the new things to do

Emerging technologies lack a playbook

We need to be using/playing with the new tech

And we need to make money somehow long the way

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Readers First

Technology is not the center of readers’ focus

It can not be the focus of our strategies

Doing so sets us adrift

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Readers: Make it efficient

As the pace of information speeds up, readers want a filter

The fear of missing out v.s the reality of drowning in information

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Readers: Make it seamless

Not just how new technologies work, how they work together

Does your experience move with the user and adapt to their context?

Tablet Car Radio Phone Desktop

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Readers: Make it platform native

Reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the device

We tend to impose yesterday’s forms on tomorrow’s platforms.

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

OK, what is it with people anyway?

They seem kind of high maintenance

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Don’t make me think

Satisficing vs Optimizing

Our brains have limited processing power

Working (transient) memory is required to learn new things

If overloaded, frustration and task failure results

Design must minimize load

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Cognitive Barriers

Number of Steps

Length of Steps

Difficulty of Steps

Adapted from Jordan Julien in UXMag.com


r Per



@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Cognitive Load

Number of Choices

Thought Required

Clarity of Choice

Adapted from Jordan Julien in UXMag.com

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux


Say the color of the text


Stroop Effect

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Conservation of complexity

Potential cognitive load in a system should be solved by developers, not exposed to users

40 hours x 1 developer = 40 hours

0.5 second x 5,000,000 users = 700 hours

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

So, Heidegger…

Ready to Hand v.s. Present at Hand

When a technology is used intuitively and for a purpose, it becomes an extension of your own body. You see only the work, not the tool.

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

The hammer

The canonical example

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

The mouse

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Wired says

The malfunctioning mouse serves to “increase the participants' cognitive load, and lead(s) to decreased performance in some of the ongoing cognitive tasks.”

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Wired says

“…(It) could thusly be viewed as a discontinuity in our selves.”

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Connected tools

•Extended Physiologic Proprioception •Originated with the study of prosthetic limbs •Popularization of the mouse a turning point

One must deduce that a control system which is very much more efficient… is operating in the biological situation in order to reduce the load down to an acceptable level where the system can operate unconsciously. - D.C. Simpson (1974)

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Close your eyes

From an outstretched arm, touch your nose The Field Sobriety Test is a test of proprioception

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux




@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux




@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

How it matters

Older technologies were accommodated by users

Now tech is more personal and must do the accommodating

Users experience and intuit this shift

Design / UX is now a differentiator and an expectation

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Delight readers


Satisfaction =

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Don’t hit your users

As we remove mediating layers like the keyboard and mouse and control software directly with gesture and touch - disruptions become more painful

Punchcard Keyboard Mouse Touch Gesture Thought

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Forget the tech - worry about the audience

Heidegger again… Hermeneutic Circle

Users are not separate from their experiences

To understand one, you must understand the other

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

How the industry thinks

Revenue Goals

Circulation Goals

Editorial Goals


@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

How readers think

Surprise me

Save me money

Connect me

Inform me

Entertain me

Save me time

Make it easy




@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

We need to rethink how we think

Problems before solutions Readers not products Servant leadership

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Empathy is required

Research Listen Validate Build Test Iterate

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux

Bottom line

Our technology is becoming increasingly ‘invisible’ Soon everything will have a chip and a screen Audiences will expect information services everywhere As the tech disappears it becomes an extension of ourselves That creates huge demands on design to reduce cognitive load and disruption There is no ‘fix’ except to listen to readers and build products to support them And iterate - quickly

@dkiesow | #ONA15ux


Damon KiesowHead of Mobile Initiatives McClatchy Co dkiesow@mcclatchy.com @dkiesow
