Textual Analysis of Magazine Pages

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Textual Analysis of Magazine Pages

Research For Media Production

Red white and black colour scheme. Red associated with

authority, power, sex and danger. White contrasting with

black and associated with purity, cleanliness and peace. Black contrasting with white

associated with death, horror, rebellion, darkness and sex.

Cheryl Cole make up matches the colour scheme of the magazine design. Also the rain is making

the cover seem wet. This is also indicated through Cheryl's wet hair and her tongue licking her

ring also symbolising the wetness of the cover making it sexual and

adding to the theme of colour scheme.

The typography on this page is simple and clear

but effective for the theme of the magazine. It is bold and eye catching without being scary. This

could suggest that the magazine is friendly as

well as seductive.

There us no set colour scheme

here which could suggest that the

magazine contains a lot of different information in it

appealing to as lot of audiences and

does not just suggest one story

on the front cover.

The childish font of the text that

looks as if it has coloured in by a graffiti artist of some sort gives an element of

fun to the front of the magazine suggesting it is

viable for all age groups.

The fact Ed Sheeran is covering some of the title of the magazine suggests he is the main focus point in the

magazine. As it looks like the text it supporting him in this photo it almost says that he is more worthy of space on the cover than the title of

the magazine itself.

Ed Sheeran holding the guitar relating to the title of the magazine

‘Total Guitar’ suggests an obvious theme for

the magazine appealing to audiences that are interested in music

acoustic instruments.

The blue background is relating to the artist on the

front cover immediately and catches the eye of the target

audience and people associate the classic blue colour with

young boy/men/teenager. The artist Justin Bieber fits into

this category as he is a young fresh artist appealing to youth

and blue reflects the same theme and sets the mood of

the magazine.

The contrasting colours on the front of the magazine,

like the yellow, white and red also make the key

information stand out. The red could represent rebellion

which could link to Justin’s pose which portrays a

rebellious attitude by holding his necklace and leaning forward. Portraying his

confidence and lack of care for the norm.

The yellow is a good way to make the information

not related to Justin Bieber stand out such as

other artists names. Yellow is commonly

associated with the sun and light, so you could say that the yellow text

are beams of light reaching out to people

that aren't drawn by the main focus (Justin


The main title stands out on the magazine straight away as it is the only large thing on the

magazine which is red. The typography of there main logo is bold but soft which follows with Adele as she has a pale

complexion but holding a bold pose and her hair contrasts

being soft, big and fluffy.

The plain coloured background allows us to focus on Adele and the

fact she is taking up most of the cover suggests she

is a big star who is important. The close up also represents a high

level of beauty as she is able to take a stunning


The simplicity on the cover of the magazine can suggest purity and tells the audience that the magazine contains only what they want to


This is everything we would expect from a cone tents page in a music magazine. It

clearly titles Contents at the top and uses

bold and classic formative colours in the colour scheme .

There is a large main in image off centre to the page that catches the eye and highlights the

main story/focus of the magazine. We can tell the magazine is based

on music as the picture relates to that genre.

Also when reading the writing in bold such as , News, Rader, Live!, and Arctic Monkeys give us the impression the rest

of the magazine will relate to music.

They have indicated page numbers on the contents page to tell the consumer what pages to jump to for

the main topics of the magazine. Advertisements have also been included on this page which is probably the best place to have it as everyone will see this page.

This isn't everything we would expect from a contents page but still has clarity and content. The white and blue symbolises the youth and basicness of the magazine and also makes the black text stand out more. The layout is modern and b

The black and white picture and typography throughout is giving off a very vintage theme to the magazine. The picture is clearly from the 1960’s which we can analyse by the theme