Taylor swift we are never ever getting back

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Taylor Swift- we are never ever getting back together

Mise en scene:When looking at the concept of

clothing in mise en scene we can see the artist (Taylor Swift) is in bright

coloured pyjamas this gives out the impression that she is happy which goes with narrative of song that it is a positive thing that they are ‘never getting back together’ however the boy who wants her back is in dark

clothing which shows he is unhappy about the situation. When looking at the locations we can look at Taylor

Swift in her bedroom which is brightly coloured which gives out

positive connotations, the fact that it is in her bedroom links with the

audience as her audience is teenage girls who are linked to being in their

bedrooms on their phones likes Taylor Swift does at one point of the

video. We can also look at the scene where there is a party within

a room this also links to the audience and it shows that she is

having fun without him which shows that they are always linking it back

to the narrative. When she is talking about the fact that she thought they would last forever her partner gives

her his scarf and then she takes it off and chucks it at him which shows

that it has ended. The lighting is mainly bright and all the objects

used are brightly coloured this links with song as she is happy to say that

they ‘are never getting back together’

Cinematography: When looking at cinematography

we can look at the use of close ups on Taylor Swift which show that she is happy about the break up which

portrays to her target audience who will be going through the same that

it is okay and then we can look at the long shots which are of her and groups of people which shows her having fun and partying. We can

also look at the two shots used to portray her and the guys

relationship and every two shot goes from a two shot to a one shot of Taylor which shows that she was with him and now she isn’t which backs up the narrative and shows

she is independent.

Editing:In relation to editing there is not

much used this may be because the narrative speaks for itself. The

editing in terms of shots per second on the other hand is relatively fast,

which is conventional for the style of music video, as it is keeping in time

with the music as switching from different locations to develop a

sense of narrative. The editing also speeds up when the lyrics within the

song speed up, however when a slower verse is sang; the editing is

much slower to represent her emotions

When looking at this video I like the idea that it has a narrative and also like the fact that it has very positive

energy which goes with the song beat and the idea that the song is portraying. However I feel like the video is all over the place and a bit too much to take in, I feel as if they

should of kept the editing pace slower and changed the location

less than they did.