Nam Trắng Portfolio 2014

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My collection of design since 2010

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m a g a z i n e

l a y o u t

30 a r t w o r k& c o n t a c t

About Me

Hello!my name is nam, i am 18 years old who want to be a graphic designer in the future. i have had my own experience in design since 7 years, mostly about Publication, layout and artwork. this portfolio is my latest collection of the best works, somes fanmade and redesigns. any contact via my email on the last page.thanks for giving your attention to my portfolio!3

Singingis like

a celebrationof Oxygen


of Oxygen


5StyliSH MagazineMy first project of Fashion MagazinePicture was made in 2010


as an only-one-cover concept, Stylish magazine has a commercial style with full of titles and well-known celebrities. i have a lot of influences but mostly from elle & Vogue magazines. Started from 2008 and ended in 2011, it was my greatest journey. i had more chance to get some experiences, to understand the standard of a quality magazine. the Stylish Project has its own Facebook fanpage, you can search its name on this social network to see more covers

NBLANC MAGAZINEFresh start - the new magazine based on my nickname with more artistic look and creative typography for every issue. i had more influence from british magazines

psyCh MAGAZINEnew project right after nblanc. Psych magazine is a magazine that focus into the indie

culture - films, music, art, . . . i continue my idea of creative typography and "hipster" style


yéyé MAGAZINEmy recent project. more suitable with girls and it has a cute, quirky style.





H t t p : / / w w w .n b l a n c .w o r d p r e S S .c o Mv i s i t m y b l o g t o s e e & r e a d t h e a r t , m u s i C , f i l m r e v i e w s

c o n t a c t m e v i a

p h u n g t h a n h n a m 9 6 @ g m a i l . c o mf a c e b o o k . c o m / p h u n g n a m 9 6

n b l a n c . w o r d p r e s s . c o m

