LeanUX for Agencies

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LeanUX for Agencies Presented by Ray Delapena and Nick Gould Some of the fundamental rules and principles of Lean UX fly directly in the face of the typical agency-client relationship. But Catalyst Group was undeterred, and tried it anyway — learning that even if agencies can't necessarily do Lean UX by the book, they can still achieve the goals and values of lean thinking by using slightly different tactics. In this talk, Ray Delapena and Nick Gould will describe the modified Lean UX process that they designed to work in the agency-client context.

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Hello. We’re Ray and Nick

Some elements of lean thinking are not quite

possible in a consulting context but there are

others that are still valuable in the context of an

agency relationship


Learn MeasureREQ


Using lean UX made all of these steps different in various ways.


Finishing it


● Client understanding of lean matters (a lot)

● Uncertainty in scope, process, and outcome

● Cost justification for cross functional team

● Clear deliverables

Selling the project

● Proposal as prototype

● Expect (and encourage) a degree of proposal

iteration and dialogue

● Clearly articulate a process that will flex to

accommodate adjustment

● Identify areas of inflexibility - what the client must

accomplish or receive at the end of the project

✓ Lean Lessons Learned

● Co-location and dedication

● Communication and shared understanding

● Focus on learning

● Permission to fail

Doing the project

● Meet the client where you find them

● Invest where the process adds value, let go

where it doesn’t

● Understand from day 1 how you will integrate

with the client’s process and ops

● Track learning and decisions

✓ Lean Lessons Learned

● What is “done”?

● When are you done?

● Define the purpose of the icebox / backlog

● What can the client continue to do?

Finishing the project

● Start finishing from the beginning of the


● Try to separate business and project lead

● Embrace coaching

✓ Lean Lessons Learned

So what’s the recipe?● Don’t be too dogmatic

● Focus on the reasons not

the principles

● Be mindful of what’s

upstream and downstream
