Failing gracefully: Lessons learned from Catan for XBLA

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July 21-23 2009 Casual Connect Seattle 2009

Failing gracefully: Lessons from Catan for XBLA

Jason Schklar / Initial Experience Consultinge: / t: @jackalshorns

July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

Settlers of Catan has been playtested...


July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

As a board game, it’s popular and fun

• Easy to teach new players in a social setting


• Core mechanic: Trading is fluid and engagingCreative Commons Credit

July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

User experience challenges for Catan Live


• Easy to learn solo?– Trial version is Single

Player Only

• Trade still fluid & fun?– Trading around a

table is easy– Trading via a UI

presents challenges

July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

Our approach: Rapid Iterative User-testing

• Start with our best guesses


• Validate and improve via rapid iterative user-testing

July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

Tip #1: Watch users struggle and fail...


July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

It’s OK to torture your users

... so you can design the game to allow customers to learn by failing gracefully

• Allowed us to bullet-proof the tutorial– Stacking the deck– Tweaking opponent AI to be forgiving


July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

It’s all good... Sun Tzu plays nice


July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

Tip #2: Calibrate assumptions with users...

• Watching cards dealt slowly, one at a time


• Watching the 14th person in 3 days “Try for a Road”

July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

It’s OK to torture your self

... because users experience the game very differently than the developers

• Prevented us from “overfixing” the game– Default vs. Advanced settings– Novice vs. Expert learning curve


July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

Tip #3: Be willing and able to experiment...


• Is it neckties with animations?

• Or asymmetrical arrows pointing to and from avatars?

July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

Find the difference that makes a “difference”

... because sometimes even silly experiments can yield amazing results

• If you are set up correctly, you can experiment– Lead designer/developer coding while we observed– Lead UI artist just an IM/phone convo away

• The results speak for themselves– Who could have predicted Arrows vs. Neckties?


July 21-23 2009Casual Connect Seattle 2009

User-testing Takeaways

• Set crisp user experience goals– Identify core components that MUST be fun– Identify challenges that MUST be overcome

• Set users up to fail: You’re paying them!– Don’t wait until you have a scripted tutorial– Don’t give them instructions or hand-holding

• Watch and learn from how users fail– Note whether they realize they’re failing– Note what they try to do when they’re failing

• Design the experience so users fail gracefully– Allow them to recover from honest mistakes– Ensure failure states are informative and encouraging

