Epic2011 pechakucha final[kageyama]

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Slides from a PechaKucha presentation at epic 2011.Abstract: After the tremendous natural disasters of 11/3/2011, Japan has been in urgent need of actions for reconstructing our society.I want to suggest one idea as something helpful for reconstruction, "cheerfulness" which I found in old Japanese people. This "cheerfulness" is the sense of humor, not to think about things too seriously, but to accept and enjoy the present situations.

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Cheerful Humors: Changes in Japan after the


Satoshi Kageyama

Daishinsha Inc.

March 11th 2011, Tohoku, Japan

But the Japanese people themselves were truly noble in their perseverance and stoicism and orderliness. There’s a common Japanese word, “gaman,” that doesn’t really have an English equivalent, but is something like “toughing it out.”

(Nicholas Kristof, “Sympathy for Japan, and Admiration”, The New York Times, March 11, 2011)

Cheerfulness of Peopleof Old Japan

Ansei Edo Earthquake (1855)

Namazu-E (Pictures of catfish)

In Edo era, people described catfish (a symbol of cause of earthquake) with humor, and they cheer up themselves to restore their lives.

Humors to cheer up Japan, 2011

Saving Electricity

Keep Out Keep Out

under suspension for brownout

Prohibiting from using power makes us negative

http://setsuden.tumblr.com/If you turn off,

Someone can turn on.

Save power Our love will reach

Now we are saving

“Matsuri” (festival) in disaster area

Ishinomaki, one of the main quake-hit areas

in April in August

Ishinomaki, one of the main quake-hit areas

“Ishinomaki Kawabiraki Festival”

“Arigatou” from Japan

“Arigatou” for all your help, support,

and cheers