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Digital Graphic Narrative



Shape Task

Shape Task

Shape Task


What did you like about your image?I like the cartoon style of the finished picture as I think it looks very smooth and child friendly What would you improve if you did it again?I think try and make the legs look better because there is too much of a change in colour from one leg to the bears main body fur





What did you like about your image?I like the art style that you get from this type of editing the straight edges to the shapes look nice and using as few colures as possible gives a good effect of 3DWhat would you improve if you did it again?I think that on some of my pictures I have not made very good detail but I think with a bit more practice I think I would get better results

Text Based


What did you like about your image?I think this is a very good way of editing the text to get a design that you want easily I also like the drop shadow tool this gives the text a feeling of depth and this would be good when you have lots of text because you will be able to make it look like the text is in front or behind the over text or picturesWhat would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do this agin I think I would look through all the diffrant types of text effects I could aple to my text to give it other effects

Comic Book

Comic Book

Comic Book


What did you like about your image?I think the style you get from this I also like that using something so simple you can get something very abstract or very detailed I also think this type of filter helps to bring out the shadows in a pictureWhat would you improve if you did it again?I think next time I do this I might try giving a picture less shadow



What did you like about your image?I like the action and the happiness you get from this image of coarse the snow does not add to the happy effect to the picture but I think that with Photoshop I might be able to change the snow to a happier type of weather to go with the feeling I wanted to createWhat would you improve if you did it again?Well there would be a few things that I would change for example I would have taken more images to interlink with my storyline I have chosen to do



What did you like about your image?I think that the pencil gives a nice effect on the paper but the image is very limited to how well the person can draw and the space of time in which they had to draw that imageWhat would you improve if you did it again?I would give myself more time and take more care over the image I would be drawing

Initial Ideas

Mood board of inspiration

Idea Generation

Mood board of chosen idea

• Here I went and had a look at some pictures of travelers and medieval serfs as in the story it talks about some travelers coming in to the town in my story I picture the time period as medieval Britain so getting images of people and clothes from about this time will help me when I am making my own characters in the story because I can make their clothes fit in to the period of time I have chosen for my stories setting I like the idea of the travelers holding a stick like in some of the pictures the picture of the house is good because this gives me a good idea of what the town would look like that the travelers will be passing through this will also be helpful when I am drawing the town because I will be able to copy the building style to make my buildings fit in with the setting of the rest of the story

Mood board of chosen idea

• These are some different pictures of soup and cooking pos because in the story one of the main things in the story is the soup and the cooking pot that the travelers have with them when they come through the village I need to get the look of the pot right to make the story believable for example the travelers would not have a modern pot with them and the pot would also be light enough for them to carry on their journey the pictures of the soup is there because there is different soup in different places in the world so I will need to have the soup look like what it would look like if the soup was made in real life using the ingredients that are used in the story

• There are different types of text I could use but it is very important to use a clear text that can be made bigger so that the children at this age can read the look easier I have chosen this text as I think it is very clear and has the option for both capital letters as well as lower case and the text is not at one block size it can be edited to make the text smaller or bigger


8-10 25cm x 22cm

Story Overview

The outline of the story is that two travellers enter a town looking for some food an a place to stay people say that they have no food and what little they have they want to keep for themselves the travellers place a pot in the square and in the pot place a stone the villagers one by one wanting to see the magic stone turn the water to soup help the travellers make the soup taste better by adding little bits of the food they have after the soup has been made the villagers share the soup with the travellers

Export Format


Advantages: PDF files are easy to store and send in mass to people via the computer and should a paper copy be needed it can easily be printedDisadvantages: because the file is saved on the computer things could go wrong for example if the computer was to break or crash then all your files would be stuck on the computer and might be lost the files could get corrupted and there is always the chance that the computer could be hacked and your file stolen


20th of march


(Think about who you are targeting as your audience. Consider age, gender, class, location and other characteristics which could define your audience.)My audience will be in the age range of 8-12

Production Methods

(Explain the methods you are going to use to produce your pages. Show us the thinking behind your decisions for a more detail response)I am thing about using rotoscoping so although I might not be able to rotoscope existing pictures I will use them as a base so I have something to head towards I might also use a few shapes as I have seen you can get quite good effects by not making the image as smooth and leaving a few corners on the shapes

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

This is a very strong proposal with a lot of detail in areas.Very good story line as it teaches children to share and be kind to one an other and work as a team.All points in the proposal that you have made have been explained well and you show why you want to do certain things.

Areas of the proposal that I would improve is to possible try and add some punctuation and correct the grammar.Something else that I would suggest needs further work is up where you have talked about the mount of pages an the page dimensions, possibly explain this a little bit better for instance say “Number of pages: 8-12”

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

In your mood boards you have really explained well already existing trends in children's book and and shown in great detail the idea for your story.In your moods boards you have painted a good picture of what you want your story book to look like and explained it all well, you show how you want it all to look quite old time-y.

I think that ways that you could have taken idea generation a bit further is you could have included a few more pictures of what you want the locations to look like.Something else that you could have done is adapted this for modern day, for instance have it taking place in more recent times.Again try and add puctionion.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Most of the proposal has a good amount of detail and shows what you want you children's book to be like and the story you are doing.

You could develop your proposal by adding some more detail into the methods you will be using and maybe explain why you wont be using any other methods.It could also be beneficial to add some more detail about the methods you have spoke about and what parts of the illustrations they will be used for, like the background, characters etc.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The mind map and mood board you have created are very strong and show you understand what you want to do for your children’s book and its good that you went into a lot of detail on both the mind map and why you picked the images you did for your mood board because this can help when you start creating your children’s book.

There isn't much you could do to improve your idea generations apart from it could be good to add a few more images on your first mood board to give you more inspiration on what you children’s book will look like and the kind of illustrations you can do.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

A very original idea that has good morals and will work really well as a children's story book, he gives a good amount of information about the story but makes it short enough as to not break the limit of 12 pages in our books we are creating.

The audience part of the proposal has little to no information about your audience, you’ve said their age, what about their gender, nationality, while telling me what you have actually done, or are going to do to make your book suitable for this audience.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The first spider diagram really shows me he knows a lot about children's books in general and tells me he knows the tropes and what makes these books successful through there different attributes.

The mood board has a lot of information on it, however doesn’t give me any visualisation about the scenery and where the story actually takes place, it also doesn’t give me much of an idea about any of the characters apart from the tramp.

Feedback Summary

Sum up your feedback.

They think that my overall idea is good but I should add more information about my audience

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree with a few things because I haven't talked about anything other then the age of the audience

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?




Original Script

Original Script goes here with link to where it came from Nail Soup Once upon a time there was a tramp walking through a deep forest. He made his living selling a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Now he was cold and tired and hungry and what was even worse, he had nothing left to sell. All he owned were the ragged clothes he wore and an old, bent nail. When he came out of the forest he saw a little cottage, with smoke rising from the chimney. He knocked on the door, the door opened and a woman looked at him suspiciously. - Please, could you be as good as to give a poor man shelter for the night, he asked. - I know your kind, she said, if I let you in you won't leave before you have eaten everything I have. And I tell you, I'm so poor I haven't had a bite for three days. So you just go away! But the tramp was a clever fellow, and the woman was so greedy that she immediately invited him when he said that of course he didn't want to eat the little she had. On the contrary, he wanted her to share his evening meal. - But first I want to see the food you say you want to share, she said. - This is all I need, he said, and took an old, bent nail out of his pocket. Just bring me a pot and some water, and I'll cook the best soup you ever tasted with this nail. The woman brought a pot and looked with amazement as the tramp made a fire, cooked some water and dropped the nail in it. - The soup might be a little thin, he said, you see I have been using the nail for seven days now. It is a pity you don't have a little salt, that would surely make the soup taste like a soup fit for any gentleman's house. But what we lack, we don't have. - Now that I come to think of it, said the woman. I might have a little salt left since Christmas. - How lucky, said the tramp and put the salt in the pot. Well I was thinking that perhaps you could even serve this soup to the priest, if we only had some vegetables also. But what we lack, we don't have. - Now that I come to think of it, said the woman. I might have some vegetables in the cellar. The tramp praised the wisdom of the woman and the excellent taste of the soup. - I think it would even be fit to serve the king, if we only had a little meat to add, said the tramp. But there is no use longing for the impossible. What we lack, we don't have. - Now that I come to think of it, said the woman. There might be some dried meat left somewhere. The tramp happily added the meat to the by now sweet-smelling soup, the woman made the table with her finest silver spoons and her best plates. When she came to think of it, there was actually some wine left since her husband's funeral. So she felt almost like a queen when they shared the soup the tramp had cooked with his nail. The next morning the tramp left without his nail, because the woman wouldn't let him go before he agreed to sell it. And still to this day, the nail has been very useful. Not only can you make a wonderful soup, but you can also use it for cooking tales with. True, what we lack we don't have, but if you add a little of this and a little of that it will certainly be a story fit for telling to a king!

Original Script in points1 tramp looking for food and house2 tramp finds house where an old woman I sand asks for food she says she does not have any3 tramp says he can make soup from nails and boils the water and puts in nails4 the tramp says that the soup would be better with some meat5 veg6 fish7 tramp says that the soup is now ready and they enjoy the soup8 old woman says that it was the best soup she ha very had and thanks the tramp

Final ScriptOnce upon a time there was a tramp walking through a deep dark wood. The tramp had no money and was very poor, and all he had was a small bottle of water. As he walked he thought to himself.

“I wish I had some food and a nice warm place to sleep”. Just then, he walked around a very large tree and saw a small cottage.

“Finally, a place to stay for the night!” he thought, and walked to the front door and he knocked. Rat-a-tat-tat. The door opened slowly.A old woman stood in the doorway.

“Yes?” she asked.

“It is very cold and getting dark. Could I please spend the night here and maybe have some food?” the tramp explained.

The old woman looked at the tramp. She did have food but she wasn’t going to give it to the tramp. After all, he was dirty and smelt funny so she lied to the tramp.

“You can stay the night but I’m only a poor old woman, I have no food” she said.

“Do you have a cooking pot?” the tramp asked moving into the house and closing the door behind him.

“Yes?” the woman answered with a confused look on her face.

“Well" said the tramp remembering the water bottle in his bag “It just so happens that I am a wizard and I can use this magic water to make the best soup you have ever tasted!” the old woman had never seen magic done before. She quickly fetched the cooking pot and placed it over the fireplace.

“Prove it!” she said. The tramp poured the water into the pot and waited for the water to boil. When it began boiling he sung;

“With a helping hand and this pot of gloopa yell, a shriek, a scream and a whoopoh pot as round as a basketball hoopplease help us make a tasty soup!”

The tramp looked in the pot..

”Is it ready?” the old woman asked.“No not yet, last time I added some peas and it worked, shame you don’t have any!”“I’m sure I have a few somewhere” the old woman said. She went to the cellar and came back with three cups of peas which she placed in the pot.

Final Script

The tramp then sung again…

“With a helping handand these lovely green peassmell as sweet, as a new day’s breezeLovely soup, oh perfect soupcook for us, please oh please”

The tramp looked in the pot again “It must be ready now” the old woman said with her tummy growling.“No, not yet! Last time I added some meat and it worked, shame you don’t have any!” “I’m sure I have meat somewhere..” the old woman said. She went to the cellar again, and came back with a whole chicken which she chopped and placed into the pot.

This time the tramp waved his hands over the bubbling pot as he sung…

“With a helping handand this new tender meatsurely you aren't incompletelovely soup, oh perfect soupsoon we will begin to eat”

For the last time the tramp looked into the pot..

“Please say the soup is ready” said the old woman, with her tummy growling like a lion.“I think it’s finished. Get some bowls and we’ll have a lovely meal” the tramp told the old woman.The old woman went into the cellar and got a table cloth, and placed it on the table as well as a few china bowls and some spoons. After this the tramp and the old woman sat down at the table and ate the soup. After the soup, the woman agreed at it was the best soup she had ever had and offered the tramp her bed for the night while she slept in a chair.

In the morning the old woman asked the tramp if she could buy the magic water and the tramp told her of a river where she could get all the magic water she wanted and left the old woman and continued his journey. The tramp walked over a river and he refilled his water bottle, and continued into town. He was going to eat well tomorrow.

Digital Flat Plans

In the 1st panel im going to have the tramp walking in the wood as this is where the story starts

In the 2nd panel im going to have the tramp finding the cottage and talking to the old woman

In the 3erd panel im going to have the tramp talking to the old woman about how he really is a wizard