Android gestures v1

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Touch screen devices have been selling like hotcake these few years, thanks to the healthy competition of different touchscreen based platform such as iOS, Android and Windows. When we explain how to do certain things on the phone, we sometimes mention the gestures. It is human behavior with device through touch.

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Android Gestures

Gestures allow users to interact with your app by operating the screen objects you provide.



Triggers the default functionality for a given item.

Action: Press, lift

Long Press

It allows you to select one or more items from list and act upon the data using a contextual action bar.

Action: Press, wait, lift

Swipe or DragAction: Press, move, lift

Long press drag

Rearranges data within a view, or moves data into a container

Action: Long press, move, lift

Double Touch

Scales up a the view of graph, image to view in details.

Action: Two touches in quick

Pinch open

Zooms into content.

Action: 2-finger press, move outwards

Pinch Close

Zooms out of content.

Action: 2-finger press, move inwards
