A Digital Agency Manifesto

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Jar Creative is a digital experience agency based in Toronto, Canada. These are 10 principles that guide us in our work.

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1.Great experience is

in the details.

Does it matter whether that button is blue or green? Whether we use 5 words for the headline instead of three? From our perspective, it matters a lot. Obsessive attention to every detail is what distinguishes a great experience from the rest.

2. Plan results (not features).

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While end-users are inherently goal oriented, designers tend to plan product development around a feature set. A user-centred perspective allows us to develop solutions that are focused on results rather than processes.

happy kid

sad cake

3. Speak human.

Words can warm an audience to our humanity - or chill them with corporate calculus. Don’t leave copywriting to the engineering department.

4. Trust is earned through consistency.

In a world of quick fixes, instant gratification, and infinite choice, people are naturally wary of any claims made about a product or service. Earn their trust through consistently adding value and delivering on promises.

5. The goal is engagement.

There are tangible components of usability. Consistent validation, contextual information and carefully curated options all contribute to intuitive interfaces that support user engagement.

6. Eventually, all marketing

As increasingly sophisticated consumers become wary of persuasion techniques and technology seeps into all corners of life, software platforms that provide utility and engagement will form the basis of a brand’s relationship with its customers.

will be software driven.

7. Tell stories.

Facts and figures can draw attention, but narratives have the ability to trigger emotions, which are the ultimate drivers of action.

8. Teaching is the path to excellence.

In an era of constant change and ever increasing complexity, we must be perpetual students. The opportunity to share our knowledge allows us to contribute lasting value, while challenging and clarifying our beliefs.

9. Focus on what you do best

Excellence is achieved through a consistent focus on a select group of services or skills. This applies equally to businesses, products and individuals.

10. Uncertainty is unavoidable.

As User Experience Designers, we dive into challenges that have yet to be clearly defined. The work begins before the final solution is known.

Who We AreJar Creative is a digital experience agency based in Toronto, Canada.

We are designers, strategists and technologists who are passionate

about building great websites, mobile applications and online

products. Our clients include well-known international brands and

small entrepreneurial businesses.


Photo Credits:

Slide 10 “rowing” by "Jon Fravel" www.flickr.com/photos/jfravel

Slide 2 “two forms” by Roban Kramerto

Slide 4 Uncredited - public domain

Slides 3, 6, 9, copyright Jar Creative

Slides 1, 8, 11, iStockphoto.com

Slide 7 copyright Nike
