6 Color Picks That Can Go Wrong For Food Web!

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6 Color Picks That Can Go Wrong For Food Web!

Colors add temptation to food. Similarly web layout needs to be appealing. Keep your food website simple and clear by limiting the number of colors you use.

Avoid usinf contrast of two solid colors like red and green.

Use a contrasting color to break the red and green combo.

Neons are inconvenient for user interface elements.

Use neutral colors with a neon.

White background doesn’t work well with a yellow &very pastel text.

White background is the most suitable for an text color else than pastels.

All black can blackout the web.

Break the black to light up the layout.

Light on light for a food web, nay!

Pop the white with a bright or dark color.

Customize your web design.

Using too many colors will make the food less highlighted.

Use shades and tints of colors to highlight the food icons.

Use shades and tints of colors to highlight the food icons.