14 Inspiring Design Philosophies by WebAble - Bangladesh

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14Inspiring Design Philosophies

“Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so

simple, that's why it is so complicated”

- Paul Rand

“Focus and simplicity.

Simple can be harder

than complex: you

have to work hard to

get your thinking

clean to make it

simple. But it’s worth

it in the end, because

once you get there,

you can move

marathons ”

- Steve Jobs

“People ignore designs that ignores


- Frank Chimero

“A design isn’t

finished until

somebody is

using it”

- Brenda Laurel

“Good designers can create normalcy

out of chaos; they can clearly

communicate ideas through the

organizing and manipulating of words

and pictures”

- Jeffery Veen

“A designer is a planner with an aesthetic sense”

- Bruno Munari

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”

- Leonardo Da Vinci

“Design is the fundamental soul of

a human-made creation that ends

up expressing itself in successive

outer layers of the product or


- Steve Jobs

“Design is intelligence made visible”

- Alina Wheeler

“Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent”

- Joe Soprano

“A common mistake that people make when

trying to design something completely

foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of

complete fools”

- Douglas Adams

“Design is a plan

for arranging

elements in such a

way as best to

accomplish a



- Charles Eames

“Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines

technology, cognitive science, human need, and beauty to

produce something that the world didn’t know it was missing”

- Paola Antonelli

At WebAble, we design to

solve problems!

poke@WebAble.com.bd | +880 1911 916 893 | www.webable.com.bd