Ongoing Research in Data Studies


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Ongoing Research in Data Studies

Data Day 3.0Tuesday, 29 March 2016, 9:30 to 10:45, Carleton University

Dr Tracey P. Lauriault, School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University & Programmable City Project, Maynooth University

Data Studies Vision Unpack the complex assemblages that produce, circulate,

share/sell and utilise data in diverse ways Chart the diverse work they do and their consequences for

how the world is known, governed and lived-in Survey the wider landscape of data assemblages and how

they interact to form intersecting data products, services and markets and shape policy and regulation

Rob Kitchin and Tracey P. Lauriault, Forthcoming, Toward a Critical Data Studies: Charting and Unpacking Data Assemblages and their Work, in J. Eckert,, A. Shears & J. Thatcher, Geoweb and Big Data, University of Nebraska Press , Pre-Print

How is the city translated into software and data?

Programmable City Project

Translation:City into Code/Data

Transduction:Code/Data Reshape



Discourses, Practices, Knowledge, Models

Mediation, Augmentation, Facilitation, RegulationHow do software and data reshape the city?Rob Kitchin, 2013

Socio-technological data assemblage

Material Platform(infrastructure – hardware)

Code Platform(operating system)

Code/algorithms (software)



Reception/Operation (user/usage)

Systems of thought Forms of knowledge

Finance Political economies

Governmentalities & legalities Organisations and institutions Subjectivities and communities


System/process performs a task

Contextframes the system/task

Digital socio-technical assemblage

HCI, remediation studiesCritical code studies

Software studies

Critical data studies

New media studiesgame studies

Critical Social ScienceScience Technology


Platform studies Places



Surveillance studies

Rob Kitchin, 2013

Knowledge Production

Tracey P. Lauriault, 2012, Data, Infrastructures and Geographical Imaginations. Ph.D. Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa,

Making up Spaces and

People – Modified

Ian Hacking Dynamic



3 Case Studies

1. Ontologizing the city2. The making of homeless people 3. Open data

1. Ontologizing the City

Ontologizing the City - From Old School National Cartographic Based Classification toward a Rules

Based Real-World Object Oriented National Database

Object of Study Data assemblage of OSi PRIME2 Examine how ‘real’ things are

understood in the new object oriented data model

Assess if these change how space is modelled and then acted upon

Time frame Jan. 2015-2018

Data Management and Ethics ERC Maynooth University SSHRC Tri-Council

Case Study Outputs Case study report Data assemblage Tracing the production of space Genealogy from class to object Academic publications

Funding Programmable City Project

P.I. Prof. Rob Kitchin NIRSA, Maynooth University

European Research Council Advanced Investigator Award


Data Collection

Attend OSi & 1Spatial Road shows and public speaking eventsOne day coordinated field trip & group interviews at OSi Sligo (survey data capture unit)Examine the Prime & Prime2 flow linesReal-time survey and data update of a building

1.5 months as an embedded researcher, OSi in Phoenix Park One-on-one interviews with key actors (Transcribed audio

recordings): Group interview Document Collection Collection of objects across time for Dublin

Prime 2 Models and Concepts

Skin of the earth ‘real world’ object modelling

5 skin of the earth objects Ways Water Vegetation Artificial Exposed

Z-Layer Superimposed Objects Segmentation &

Connectivity GDF1 GDF2

centrelines Sites & Locals Boundaries

Links objects using persistent ID’s

Form & Function object classification

3D data storage (CityGML LOD2)


Seamless, topologically consistent blanket of polygons covers the entire surface of Ireland w/no holes or gaps

Cassini, 6”, 1st ed. Circa?

Heuston station across time

Cassini 6”, 1943-44

Cassini 25”, 1st ed, Circa?

Cassini25”, 1936 Heuston Station, Prime2 MapGenie

Heuston Station, Prime2 SOE


Institutionally Colonial surveyor Military Mapping

Organization Civil Service

National Mapping Organization (NMO)

State Body NMO Will become a

NMO w/in Tailte Éireann

Technologically Data collection Techniques Scale Geometry Skill Technologies Dissemination

Scope Colonial mapping National mapping Post Colonial

mapping OSi/OSNI/OSGB EU / Inspire / NSDI Global



Genealogy of a model

Genealogy of a data model

Models are also actors Models shape

how the world is viewed the world of work tools & techniques the structure of an organization how organizations interconnect with others

Models augment space Models are socially constructed

by people

2. Making of Homeless People









The making of homeless people

Homeless case study scopeObject of Study:

A. Dublin Ireland: Pathway Accommodation and Support

System (PASS) Dublin Street Count Central Statistics Office (CSO)

national census enumeration of the homeless.

B. Boston, MA, USA: Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX)

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Housing Inventory Count (HIC)

Boston Health Commission Annual Street/Point-in-Time (PIT) Count of Homelessness

US Census Bureau National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients (NSHAPC)

C. Ottawa, ON, Canada: National Homelessness Information

System (HIFIS) Ottawa Street Count Statistics Canada national census

enumeration of the homeless. Federation of Canadian Municipalities

(FCM) Municipal Data Collection Tool (MDCT) indicators on Homelessness

Funding Programmable City Project

P.I. Prof. Rob Kitchin NIRSA, Maynooth University

European Research Council Advanced Investigator Award


Homeless case study outputs

A. 3 site specific city case studies for comparative analysis 3 CS reports with accompanying data, information and literature including:

3 national homeless shelter intake software systems 3 city specific point in time street counts 3 national statistical agency censuses which enumerated people who are homeless Interview recordings and transcripts from key informants Repository of related grey literature

B. Data Assemblages Data assemblage for each intake data system, street count and homeless census Comparative analysis of these data assemblages

C. Construction of homeless people and homelessness Application of the modified Ian Hacking framework to the making up of homeless people and spaces 3 homelessness data classification genealogies Comparative analysis of genealogies

D. Academic Papers

3. Open data

Open data case study

Object of StudyA. Dublin, Republic of Ireland (NI)B. Ottawa, ON & Montreal, QC, Canada National, County Level Public Sector Data Portals Academic Portals Public, Academic and Private Sector Partnership

Portals/Initiatives Open access to data initiatives The private sector data dissemination on behalf & w/ the

public sector. Research projects Civil Society Initiatives Initiatives that have shaped debates on openness &

transparency Indicators & evaluation Consultants/developers Other actors Tools & Instruments

Case Study Outputs: A. 2 site specific city case studiesB. Data Assemblages & Landscape C. Open Data discourse AnalysisD. Academic Papers

Funding Programmable City Project

P.I. Prof. Rob Kitchin NIRSA, Maynooth University

European Research Council Advanced Investigator Award


Open Licences

Open Source/Formats/Specs

Open Infrastructure

Open Data Definitions (sample)

1959 Antarctic Treaty 1992 - UNCED – Agenda 21 Chapter 40, Information

for Decision Making 1996 Global Map 2002 – UNCED – Ageday 21 + 10 Down To Earth 2005 - Open Knowledge Foundation (OKNF) - 11

Principles (Licence specific) 2007 GEOSS - Data Sharing Principles for the Global

Earth Observing System of Systems 2007 - US Open Government Working Group - 8

principles of Open Government Data 2007 Science Commons Protocol for Implementing

Open Access Data 2007 Sunlight Foundation - 10 Principles for Opening

Up Government Informatio 2007 OECD, Principles and Guidelines for Access to

Research Data from Public Funding

2008 OECD, Recommendations on Public Sector Information

2009 W3C - Publishing Open Government Data

2010 Tim Berners-Lee 5 Star of Open Data 2010 Panton Principles for Open Data in

Science 2010 Ontario Information Privacy

Commissioner - 7 Principles 2013 Open Economics Principles US Association of Computing Machinery

(USACM) – Recommendations on Open Government

American Library Association (ALA) – Access to Government Information Principles

Data cultures

Research Data


GeoDataPhysical Sciences

Public Sector Data

Access to Data Open Data

Social Sciences



Citizen Science

Scientists, Cultural Institutions E-Government, CTOs


Communication & Media Studies

Core courses COMM 5225 (0.5) Critical Data Studies DATA 5000: Introduction to Data

ScienceElectives COMM 5203 (0.5) Communication,

Technology & Society COMM 5224 (0.5) Internet

Infrastructure & Materialities COMM 5221 (0.5) Science & the

Making of Knowledge


The research for these studies is funded by a European Research Council Advanced

Investigator award ERC-2012-AdG-323636-SOFTCITY.

I would like to express my gratitude to Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi), Dublin City Council and the Open Data Community in

Ireland for generously sharing their knowledge and time.
