Movies how well they do thriller



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As a whole Quentin Tarantinos, a major thriller director, movies have done very well, most of the time achieving close to, or over $100,00,000 at the box office. However thrillers this year has rapidly declined despite a very high rise in 2012 when Hunger Games came to the box office. Thriller movies have never been the most popular movies but achieved critical success with the Hunger Games franchise. Thriller movies don’t generally attract the main audiences and

attendance figures are the highest apart from the main movies such

as Titanic, Sixth Sense and The Hunger Games. These numbers are very small in comparison to genres such as horror or action movies, which attract a lot higher attendance figures. The average gross for thriller movies is around $400,000,000 this is a lot compared to small genres like film noir but isn’t a lot compared to comedies or action

movies. From this information I know that my thriller movies probably wouldn’t do very well if I released right now because no thrillers have done very well. On the other hand it might do really well because no thriller movies are storming the box office so mine might be able to. I also know to create a movie like Titanic, Sixth Sense or the Hunger Games. Lionsgate, Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox are the main distributors of the thriller movies and release the highest grossing thriller/suspense movies. However neither of them are the champions of the thriller genre and many different distributors release thriller movies. The vast majority of thrillers are Pg-13 or 12A this is a smart business decision because mostly anyone can see them and so more people can see them. However Reservoir Dogs is rated R so not as many people could go and see it at the cinema. However 18 rated movies are the second most popular age rating for movies For the first week it was only released in 19 cinemas and made a gross of $197,759 which was a lot for a movie in 1992 however after that it was released in 61 different

cinemas and slowly lost views until 8

weeks later where it

was back up to 61 cinemas. For the first 8

weeks it made a

$1,555,755 in the cinemas and was ranked 13th. It wasn’t until 14 years later in 2006 where the movies was released on DVD, in the first week it only sold 65,069 copies and then skyrocketed to 230,209 copies and then again slowly fell to 44,748 8 weeks later. In 2009 it was released on Blu-ray and sold 14,624 units. When I distribute my movie I would prefer to distribute it with Lionsgate as they are most known for releasing really good horror and thriller movies. Thriller movies usually have a large release but don’t usually make a lot of money. From 1995-2012 561 thriller/suspense movies where released making a total of $15,495,734,985 less than half of what the number 1 grossing genre, comedy made with only a third of the

movies released. So there are less thriller movies but on average make more than comedy but less than genres such as Adventure or action. My target market is mostly people who have a wide mind and can keep up with a convoluted plot with lots of twists and turns because some of the best thrillers such as Titanic and Inception are very convoluted and have lots of plot twists.
