Magazine Media studies cover page textual analysis


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Guitar & Bass magazineGuitar & bass magazine is being published for over 20 years in America. It provides complete and essential reading for the serious and interested guitarists, it includes interviews of famous guitarists and bassists who are generally known and are World renowned. It also includes information about new guitars, gadgets, Amps and effects. In other words it is a complete and fun packed guide and reading for people who love music and especially those who are into guitars.

The issue used in this presentation is from October 2014 and includes the interview with The Worlds best guitarist “Slash” from the Rock band Guns n Roses.


Main Cover Line




Article photos


Main image



Other articles

Star name

The Masthead: This is written in Bold Italic font so that it stands out on the background. The font size also varies in the Masthead. “Guitar” is written in a larger font as compared to “& Bass” this shows the importance that is being given to the word “Guitar” as it reflects the Genre of the magazine which is Music.

The Color scheme of the Masthead also varies which is very unconventional, the word “Guitar” is written in White with a Dull Golden outline which gives it a slightly 3D effect while “&Bass” is written in a complete Dull Golden font to show the contrast.This Masthead is quite different than other music magazine Mastheads for example Rolling stones. As it is visible, The masthead is all in one color and there is no variability in the font size, Where as comparatively the Guitar & Bass magazine’s Masthead has different color scheme and font size. Plus it also does not have a shadow or a proper 3D effect to it as other conventional Mastheads do like Rolling Stones has, so the Masthead of this magazine is very Unique and unconventional.


Main cover line

The main cover line here is based on 3 colors, Red, Yellow and White. The main cover line comes with a Strapline or a description which is written in White and in a slightly smaller font. The main cover line consists of a Star name “Slash” it is written in Yellow and Bold font to make it stand out while the word Interview is written in White on a Red background so that it is seen clearly, the red background attracts the eye of the viewer and so does the large font of the Star name.

Other ArticlesPhotos are present for other articles alongside the text description of the highlighted cover lines, This is quite an unconventional style for music magazines as pictures accompanied with cover lines is a movie magazine convention. It is also a Signature of Guitar & Bass magazine to have pictures of other articles on the cover page, pictures such as these are always in the monthly issue of the magazine. The main reason behind this is to make the cover page look attractive and informative and to create selling points, apart from just pictures it is also visible that variety in font colors and buzzwords such as “PLUS” and star names such as Lazy J, Billy Sheehan etc. are present. The combination of yellow and white as well as a light grey is used to create contrast and give a more colorful look of the cover page


Autocar, One of the oldest magazines that is still being published. This magazine’s publishing started in 1895 when there used to be only 6-7 cars in UK and is still published in UK. This magazines keeps the readers updated on the latest cars and new releases or future car concepts. In other words it is one of the best magazines available for readers who love the Genre of Car magazines.

The issue in the picture is from September 2014 and features the car company Jaguar’s new release, “The 3 series”.


Barcode Strip

Main cover photo

MastheadMain cover line

Cover line



The Masthead of the magazine is written in Bold Red font and in Capital letters on a yellow background. This is so that the magazine title name stands out on the background and to emphasize more on this It has been written in a larger font as compared to the Slogan or Tagline. Red masthead is also the identity of this magazine as the masthead color does not vary from issue to issue.

The tagline is written below the Masthead in Black, it is present to explain the Genre of the magazine in short words and to accompany the Masthead as the identity of the magazine.

Main cover lineThe main cover line or the Anchoring text is written in a simple and White font in Capital letters with a Strapline as well that further describes the content of the Main cover line. The main cover line is set on part of the Main image which shows the clear blue sky and gives the main cover line a calm and peaceful look.

Other Articles/ Puff/Buzzword

This magazine cover has a quite Unique and distinctive feature, That is that its other articles photographs are like puffs while at the same time have a Buzzword printed on them too as is visible.

The color scheme and background is also variable from photo to photo, some are on their original background with the text or Car name in white color while one is on a yellow background with the text in black color, So this Other article item comprises of a unique color scheme and Distinctive buzzword and puff feature


The Strip consists of a Picture of a Car and the text alongside in Red and black color on a yellow background. This gives the magazine a attractive look and a suitable ending outline as well while it serves the purpose of a Strip as well.

Date/ Web address / Price

The Date of issue, the price tag and web address are also mentioned on the top in quite a smaller font. The way these are written follow the same pattern of Black and red font on a yellow background.


Runner’s World magazine is a fitness magazine that includes information about techniques to lose weight, advice regarding gaining muscle mass. It also includes articles regarding staying fit and regarding diet plans and what the Dietician suggest. New gear for exercise also take their place in this magazine.

The issue included in this presentation is from November 2013 and emphasizes on exercises and staying fit.


Main photo





cover lines


Main cover line

Issue Date


The typeface used in the magazine Masthead partly is Bold White font while the other is in grey font on a small white background. The size varies within the Masthead as “RUNNER’S” is written in quite large font as compared to “WORLD” which is in really small font comparatively.

The Masthead is slightly covered by the head of the Model which suggests that the magazine has enough audience and is popular that the editor is sure that even if few letters are covered the viewer will be able to recognize the magazine.

Main cover line

The main cover line of the magazine is in two parts, one part is written in Black while one is in yellow font. The main cover line is quite simple on a grey background just like the whole magazine cover while the other part in yellow is written in Italics to give a more better look and to attract and create selling points.

Cover lines

The cover lines are written in different font sizes and colors accompanied by buzzwords such as “+” and “plus”. A Pull quote is also present. All these are to make the magazine cover more informative and to reveal the content inside the magazine so that people buy the magazine.

PuffA puff is also present, it is just like any other cover line as it also gives a small overview of an article inside the magazine, the only difference is the way in which a puff is presented. In this case it is like a White sticker on the grey background while the text is in Red color in varying font sizes to make it attractive.

A buzzword “SPECIAL REPORT” is also present which gives more importance to the puff for the reader.