Hyperion: Real Time Analytics at flipkart.com



A presentation on Hyperion, the in-house real-time analytics platform at Flipkart.com. The backend has changed now to use Foxtrot, available for free at: https://github.com/flipkart-incubator/foxtrot

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HyperionSantanu Sinha



Event processing system

Used by dev teams at flipkart for system level insights and for debugging problems in customer environments

Used by on-call for debugging CS issues

Used by business team for several use-cases



Why?How many books were downloaded today?

How many people read books on web, android, iOS, windows?

What was device/app condition before crash

eBook download failed .. why?

JavaScript error on webreader... how to debug?

Supplier uploaded a book.. why didn’t it become live?

Why and when was a notification sent to the user?

Problem StatementPersisting events to the system should not slow down the client

Should work with all types of clients written in various languages

Should be dead simple to onboard

Has to provide guarantee, that once an event is accepted it will get persisted

Storage system will go down

Should not lead to message loss

Should be able to catch up quickly

Critical functionality should not be broken

Problem StatementShould provide mostly used functionality in the real-time scenario over a pre-specified period of data

Search on fields

Nested group counts on fields

Event generation and ingestion histograms


Should provide APIs for custom consoles

Backend storage should allow for easy consumption later


Let’s Cook!!

MessagingNeeded a highly scalable messaging system

Choice: Apache Kafka

Open Source

Extremely fast

Simple architecture

Replication (0.8)

Provides offset based reads to be used for retries


It was it beta when we started

Where to store the offsets?

Ingestion APIDecided to go with HTTP

Framework should add as little as possible over HTTP delay

Choice: RestExpress

Open Source


Extremely lightweight

StorageBroken up into two parts

Short term store

Used for search, group, histogram, trends etc

Messages will be automatically deleted using TTL

Break up the query space

Long term store

To be used with custom offline jobs


Short Term: MongoDB

Open Source

Provides a stable document store

Provides good search and grouping capabilities

Easy to maintain


Indexes need to be present for searching to work properly

Large aggregations will take time

Long Term: HBase

Processing pipelineNeeds to be very fast with an onus on retries

Choice: Storm

Open Source

Proven speed in production

Handling system failure is at the heart of design


No spout for Kafka 0.8 (yay!!)

How to process...Store offsets in Hbase

Fast reads/writes for row get/put

Don’t bug Mongo for frequently used stuff like number of events getting ingested

Precompute in Storm, store specialized documents containing counts at different granularity

Allow only specific search operations on fields

Detect fields from messages in Storm

Detect field metadata in Storm

Write message to both stores or fail

Use Transactional Topology

Write the spout

Spread out query space

Divide events into apps

Event/Message{ "header" : { "app" : "appName", "eventType" : "BOOK_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS", "platform" : "android", "timestamp" : 137292987252, "instance" : "blah-blah", "eventId" : "sd2131as-2131asa-3214asda2-dffsd223" }, "data" : { "bookId" : "SDF123121231", "timeTakenSecs" : 30 }}

Build on top

Messages relayed out to another Kafka cluster

Simple predicate based subscription from clients

Publish from a separate topology

Build alerting etc on top of this

Custom consoles can be built on query APIs

StatusProcesses around 35million events/day

3 node Kafka cluster

2 worker nodes on storm

3 node MongoDB cluster

~900GB of data on query cluster

More than 5TB on HBase

Speed Zen...Don’t do a lot in the ingestion API

Do basic checking and forward, handle in downstream system

Use batching wherever possible

Batch writes to kafka for reasonable size batches is almost same as single writes

Batch writes to HBase is very fast

Do not call update at event level on MongoDB

Speed Zen...Storm has a neat tricks up it’s sleeve .. use it!!

We were getting bogged down by speed of writer bolts

Problem: Connectivity to DB for every batch

Use TopologyContext

Save connection and other repeat use objects in context


Connection is closed when bolt dies(generally never)

MASSIVE speed gain...

Keep it real!!System is part of the problem

Fix app level schema containing all the data fields

Only consider a small set of analytics for real-time

Fancy stuff can be done offline

Go with the simplest solution

Keep a focus on speed, everything else can wait

Consider scale from start


A flexible dynamic event processing system

Build and spawn computations on the fly based on simple processing primitives

Already in production, storing around 100 million filtered and enriched log lines per day


A flexible, specialized storage layer for effectively querying stored events

Extremely extensible allowing for addition of new analytics features very easily

Allow for distributed and async query execution for long running queries

Intelligent distributed caching for query responses

