Week 11 employment

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Week 10 - Employment

Today’s Class

attendance / homework checkreviewvocabularyresumeslanguage reviewBREAKinterviewscase study


I was __________ end when I went overseas for a presentation. I had no time to prepare.

I _________water when my professor caught me cheating on the final exam.

I felt like ________ water when I moved to Switzerland. It was so different there!

I don’t __________eye with my manager. We have entirely different ideas.

thrown in at the deep

got into hot

a fish out of

see eye to


My boss doesn’t have to / shouldn’t work so much. He’s a workaholic.

Wednesday is a holiday, so we don’t have to / mustn’t go to work.

Travelers should / must have their passport on them when in transit.

I think you must/should go out and meet more people.






Talk about the conversation, gift-giving, and entertaining culture of either Italy, United Arab Emirates, or Brazil

Vocabulary – pg. 69

wake up! partner up!do exercise A, C, D (refer to page 172)


Exercise A:1.e2.c3.a4.b5.f6.d

Exercise C:1.curriculum vitae (CV) resume2.(an) application form3.(a) covering letter (cover letter)4.(an) interview5.(a) psychometric test6.(a) probationary period


In partners, take a look at the sample resumes

Discuss these questions:What are the good qualities of the resumes?What are the bad qualities of the resumes?How do they differ from Korean resumes?Which candidate would you hire?

Language Review – pg. 72Indirect Questions – BE POLITE!

use the same word order as direct statementsuse polite expressions to introduce indirect

questions/statementsuse if/whether for yes/no questions

try exercise A, B, C

Language Review – Pg.72

Exercise A:1.OK!2.I’d like to know what your colleagues would say about you.3.Could you tell me how you have changed in the last five years?4.OK!5.I am not sure where I want to be in five years’ time.Exercise B:1.Do you know where the interview room is?2.Could I ask you how old you are?3.I wonder if you could tell me what time it is?4.I’d like to know why we should hire you.5.Do you mind if I ask what your weaknesses are?6.Could I ask you why you left your last job?Exercise C:1.Could I ask you how old you are?2.Do you mind if I ask you what your current salary is?3.Could I ask you (the reasons) why left your last job?4.Do you mind if I ask what your weaknesses are?

Interview Time!

Take a look at the videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJvWouVwwAg

Write down the 5 secrets to a job interview1.You need energy2.Say things most likely to impress3.Avoid clichés4.Make your answers short5.Ask interviewer smart questions

Your Turn!

Take turns interviewing a partner with the sample questions.


Check Facebook for your homework question this week!
