UTS - Insights Lecture - 59330

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1. Insights 2. WHAT ILL BE RANTING ABOUT TODAY What are insights? Where do they come from? Why are they important? How do you write them? 3. WHAT ILL BE RANTING ABOUT TODAY What are insights? Where do they come from? Why are they important? How do you write them? 4. GENERIC DICTIONARY DEFINITION SLIDE INSIGHT (in-sahyt) Noun The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something. 5. WHAT IS IT REALLY? One of the most overused and misunderstood words in agency land Its NOT a thing its a quality of a thought. Its NOT a fact, or an observation. Its NOT necessarily new information. Its NOT academic-speak. 6. WHAT IT IS, FROM THE MOUTHS OF SMART PEOPLE For me, an insight is simply defined as understanding the WHY RATHER THAN THE WHAT. Why do people think the way they do or do things the way they doas opposed to what they actually end up doing. The task is not so much to see what no one yet has seen, but to THINK WHAT NOBODY HAS THOUGHT ABOUT THAT WHICH EVERYBODY SEESits the aha moment. The I never thought of that expression that turns data into possibilities. An insight on its own is merely a human truth that someone internally identifies with and connects to. AN ACTIONABLE INSIGHT FOR MARKETERS IS WHEN THAT HUMAN TRUTH IS MEDDLED WITH COME KIND OF CREATIVE EXPRESSION or act that when done successfully somehow serves to elevate a brand. WHY WHERE WOW Rob Campbell Head of Planning Weiden+Kennedy Shanghai Stephen Steck, Director of Strategy Publicis Toronto Heather Leferve Group Planning Director Crispin Porter Miami 7. An insight is a deep penetrating observation or interpretation thereof that UNLOCKS GROWTH PROVIDES INPUTS into strategy and a LAUNCHPAD FOR IDEAS. Faris Yakob, Co-Founder, Genius Steals NY 8. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A FACT, OBSERVATION, AND AN INSIGHT OBSERVATION Something youve observed. INSIGHT A FRESH understanding that unlocks an OPPORTUNITY for connections. FACT Something you know to be true (anyone can figure this out). 9. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A FACT, OBSERVATION, AND AN INSIGHT OBSERVATION Women feel most self-conscious about their appearance after seeing perfect representations in media. INSIGHT Real women believe that beauty is more than skin deep. FACT Women are self conscious about their appearance. 10. LETS PLAY A GAME OBSERVATION INSIGHTFACT 11. WHAT ILL BE RANTING ABOUT TODAY What are insights? Where do they come from? Why are they important? How do you write them? 12. Consumer Product Psychology Brand Social Behaviour Category Culture Environment Connections 13. INSIGHT SOURCES Industry websites (AdNews, B&T, WARC etc) News, forums, category, tech, trend sites etc. Competitor websites, microsites, social pages Google (not just search!). Trends, Insights, Scholar, Correlate, Alerts Social, blogs, review sites Focus groups One-on-one interviews Ethnography Surveys Mobile/Email/e-Chat Social groups THE BRIEF Brand tracking Sales data Market audits Distribution data Creative research Modelling Past campaigns Consumer databases (Roy Morgan, EMMA) Competitive spend Competitive ad tracking Social listening Econometrics Post reports Web Bespoke Client Industry Heres a cheat link to get you started, enjoy Open Strategy http://openstrate.gy/ 14. The best insights are often sourced when you look BEYOND the industry 15. BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE. - Provide nudges - Make it easy - Leverage social proofing - Maximise saliency - Emotionally Connect 16. WHAT ILL BE RANTING ABOUT TODAY What are insights? Where do they come from? Why are they important? How do you write them? 17. INSIGHTS ARE VITAL TO OVERCOME THE IMPOSSIBLE BRIEF Youre an alcohol brand. Your target demo is guys 18-24 The hardest audience to reach, and the least likely to G.A.S. about your advertising Your brand sits outside of the top 5 in terms of market share, and outside the top 10 in terms of preference. You have a quarter of the budget that your major competitors do. You have super aggressive sales targets. 18. WHATS YOUR FIRST STEP? We got them in.We listened to where they were. . We spied on them. . 19. THIS UNCOVERED A FEW KEY THINGS FOR US Who guys are drinking with has a greater impact on what their drinking than personal brand/taste preference. Every group of mates, no matter how different, is made up of the same relatable characters. Bonding for guys is taking the piss out of each other. How can we facilitate lighthearted male ribbing to get guys to bond over Jagermeister? 20. TASK Launch the Strange But True platform within the AU market socially, extending upon the master creative supplied by GPY&R. TAGMEISTER 21. TASK Launch the Strange But True platform within the AU market socially, extending upon the master creative supplied by GPY&R. THE STAG Hes the kind of guy that starts a night, and if hes not there, it just isnt going to be one of those nights or occasions that will go down in the lore of the tribe. Hes suave, sophisticated, and hes natural. People gravitate towards him, and hes the centre of his group of mates universe. 22. TASK Launch the Strange But True platform within the AU market socially, extending upon the master creative supplied by GPY&R. THE WINGMAN Hes the unsung hero of the gang, there in support of his mates whenever they need it, he often puts them first, often at his own expense. Its time for us to celebrate the wingman, and remind just how valuable he is to any group of mates. 23. TASK Launch the Strange But True platform within the AU market socially, extending upon the master creative supplied by GPY&R. THE SNOW-LEOPARD Hes one of the oldest friends in the group, but his recent long term relationship has left nights out with the crew a little too far and few in between. Hes got a sensible jumper, and attitude to match, but on the odd night he is out with the rest of the crew, hes an indispensable part of a Strange But True night out. 24. TASK Launch the Strange But True platform within the AU market socially, extending upon the master creative supplied by GPY&R. THE NIGHT OWL Keen to stay at an event until the end? Then the night owl is a man on which you can depend! He loves to party, he loves his life, and he loves having a good time, hes just terrible at keeping track of it. 25. TASK Launch the Strange But True platform within the AU market socially, extending upon the master creative supplied by GPY&R. THE DODGER Hes good at what he does, and thats more often than not managing to avoid paying for a round, often at the wingmans expense. Hes a smooth operator, and if he wasnt so damn interesting, everyone would have a problem with his ability to shirk a bill. 26. Teens see Coke as wallpaper, not as a brand that helps them express themselves. They no longer look to brands for self-expression, they look to colour. As soon as theyre parents are in, they are out. THREE INSIGHTS THAT DROVE #COLOURYOURSUMMER 27. A few of my favourites 28. MY BLOOD IS RED AND BLACK Brief: Increase blood donations during the months where the least amount is given. Fact: People only give blood if people they love are in need. Consumer Insight: People feel as responsible for the health and success of their sportsteams as they do their family. 29. A DARE FIXLL FIX IT Brief: Sell more iced coffee. Observation: White collar workers look to coffee for energy, but not iced coffee. Category Insight: Despite coffee being a mental stimulant, the iced coffee category is fixated on physical energy benefits. 30. GUILT TRIPS Brief: Sell more train tickets to country Victoria. Fact: Most young people who grow up in the country tend to move to the city for a much needed seachangeleaving their families behind. Social Insight: Guilt is mums biggest arsenal to get her kids to do something. 31. THE POWER OF CUTE Brief: Reduce the rate of vandalism and looting off the back of the London riots in 2012. Observation: People respond to negative demonstrations of force negatively. Psychological Insight: The round head and big eyes of children elicits a maternal, and caring reaction amongst all adults. 32. WHAT ILL BE RANTING ABOUT TODAY What are insights? Where do they come from? Why are they important? How do you write them? 33. ASK WHY! at least ask it 5 times. 34. PEOPLE WATCH 35. FIND THE TENSION POINT 36. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH 37. THEN HIT SOME GO KARTS! 38. Questions? 39. Check UM out on Facebook: www.facebook.com/umaustralia @toph_colter Christopher Colter chris.colter@umww.com THANKS
