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Top Ways to Earn Full Time Income Online

A must-have handbook for working from home

(Affiliate, Drop ship, Reseller, Private Label)

Earn Extra Income! No financial outlay! No inventory to keep!

Would you like to start a new part time, or even full time business

to earn extra money every month with NO financial outlay?

If so, we have income opportunities for you!

With the ebook, you can finally make real money online from home!



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No part of this product may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author.


The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. © Copyright, - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Kokoshungsan Ltd. © 2012 Kokoshungsan Ltd, Registered in England and Wales, UK. No. 8105394; Houghton Hall Lodge, The Green,Houghton Regis, Dunstable,Bedfordshire, LU5 5DY, UK . T: +44 (0) 208 123 8887 E:



Top ways to earn full time income online and work from home ................................................................. 4

Info & Digital Products .............................................................................................................................. 4

Benefits of reselling software and EBooks ............................................................................................ 4

Reasons why you should start an eBook resell service......................................................................... 5

Bulk Digital Products with Master Resell Rights ................................................................................... 6

Earn money online with Google Adsense, Amazon affiliates and Clickbank ............................................ 6

What is Google adsense? ...................................................................................................................... 6

Getting Started With Adsense .............................................................................................................. 7

Bulk profitable affiliate, Google AdSense and Click bank websites ...................................................... 9

Cheap domain and unlimited hosting ................................................................................................. 10

Affiliate, Drop Ship, Reseller, Private label / Own label Programs (Earn Extra Income! No financial

outlay! No inventory to keep!) ............................................................................................................... 10

Make your Living Online ..................................................................................................................... 10

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing in 6 Easy Steps ............................................................. 11

Private label programs ........................................................................................................................ 14

Reseller and drop ship programs ........................................................................................................ 14

Affiliate programs ............................................................................................................................... 15

Another resources .................................................................................................................................. 15

Free resource .......................................................................................................................................... 16

FREE website for life ........................................................................................................................... 16

FREE web store for trade buyers and wholesale suppliers ................................................................. 16

FREE Amazon affiliate website ............................................................................................................ 16

FREE training lessons, videos, software, and handbook ..................................................................... 16

Products & Suppliers-.............................................................................................................................. 17

Health Food Supplements ................................................................................................................... 17

Skin Care Cosmetic Beauty Product .................................................................................................... 17

Personalized custom clothing ............................................................................................................. 18

Established website, SEO, software, ebooks ...................................................................................... 18


Top ways to earn full time income online and

work from home

Info & Digital Products

One of the easiest ways to make money online is by reselling info digital products such like eBooks,

software, website templates, services..etc. This is because you will get a free product with resale or

private label rights, resell the product as many times as possible and keep 100% of the money. has experiences helping people of all computer skill levels and

of all ages.

It is possible for you to start your own home-based business with many resell info digital products by

purchasing a fully established and automated website from

commerce/Websites-for-sale/Automated-Ebook-websites that has been pre-loaded with many EBooks

and software. This will help you make more money online and get your hands on some of the latest

master resell rights and eBooks with resell rights. EBooks are the hottest selling resale products on the

internet recently since there is possibility for you to build a digital business that will work for you

on a daily basis and also make money while you sleep.

Benefits of reselling software and EBooks

Kokoshungsan’s reseller packages contain everything that you need to get started such as

graphics, Instructions and sales materials, contain everything that you need to get started such

as graphics, Instructions and sales materials.

Your investment will turn out to be a long term profit since once you purchase a resell product

you will have a right to resell the product for whatever price you choose and with the ease of

automated deliveries and orders.

You will have a system which generates profits for years. It is a very simple concept buy once

and gets profit forever that extremely works well and it’s also the backbone of internet

marketers’ success.


You will have a chance to boost revenues and traffic to your existing website by finding related

products to resell. This will highly benefit you since it will boost revenues and attract many

visitors. Suppose you have added five extra products to your existing website each with

different search engine optimized page, you will be able to easily pull in 1000’s of new visitors

every week.

If you have already run an affiliate program before, then you already know how powerful it is in

generating traffic and sales. The programs are set up through networks where 1000’s of

products are displayed. Your affiliate program can easily get lost in the crowd since many

networks consists of affiliates for programs to promote. If you add 12-15 products into the

affiliate network, you will definitely increase the visibility of your products as compared to

other sellers thus giving you an advantage over other sellers who are using the same affiliate


It will be possible for you to offer bonus to the customers. This is one of the greatest ways to

boost your sales since it gives you an edge on the competition and adds more value to the


Reasons why you should start an eBook resell service

It is a completely flexible business system that can be easily modified and tweaked as

per the specific needs.

One thing you will get from an eBook resell service is the fact that you would have

complete freedom when it comes to balancing your personal life and your career. You

will be able to operate your business at any time in any day and get the freedom to take

a break since it’s completely automated and self-reliant. Your eBook resell service would

give you freedom to make a significant amount of money and be your own boss.

You do not require any capital investment. Reselling eBook’s will require no investment

to set up.

It is possible for you to handle the whole marketing process yourself, in order to save on

the costs of online marketing.

Since you are not storing any solid material, there will be no hassle of storing and

delivering books thus you will save money in the whole operation.

Since we deliver the products over the internet, you will not need to foot the costs of

delivery or distribution.


Bulk Digital Products with Master Resell Rights

Digital products and eBook’s are secret ways to making money online. This is because of some

reasons which include: there is no cost of distribution and delivery, you can easily access the

global market any time, it will totally satisfy the gratification for purchasers since it will take

seconds for them to download and you will be no longer exchanging time for money since

books sell while you are asleep.

At , you can easily buy bulk

digital products with master resell rights such as video tutorials, bulk eBook’s, websites and

website templates etc.

Earn money online with Google Adsense, Amazon affiliates and


What is Google adsense?

If you look at the Internet a few years back, you'll see that advertising was done in a way that

was very similar to other types of media like television, or actually, more like what you see in a

newspaper. You'd enter a site, and in some location you'd get to see a banner (often these

were quite numerous and very large), which would present and ad for whatever company was

paying for adds on your space. But there was one problem with this kind of advertising. It really

wasn't exploiting the fact that the adds weren't in some newspaper, but were instead

presented over the Internet. You've probably noticed a lot of things like this over the pages

you've browsed. You're looking at an on-line shop, looking for a watch but you get a banner

that advertises a car. While you might, at some later point want to buy a car, right now you're

looking for a watch and it would have surely been nice if the banner were advertising a watch,

because then you would have probably clicked it.

Well that's also what the folks at Google thought of, so they came up with a killer idea. This is

knows as Google AdSense, and it's known as a targeted advertising program. What you do (as a

web designer / website owner) is, instead of jumping through hoops to get some banner on

your site that your visitors won't even care about, is you just allocate some region of the



You then sign up for the Google AdSense program, you insert a small snippet of code in your

webpage and Google ensures that in the location you specify, a banner will appear, presenting

adds relevant to the contents of your site. It's very easy for Google to do this because Google is

a search engine company. It looks for the key words in your page, searches a database of

websites to find the ones related to whatever is on your page and presto: a targeted ad.

You (the webmaster) get a fee for each visitor that clicks on an adsense banner on your site.

Now that's bound to happen more often then with a traditional banner because people are

actually interested in what's in that banner (otherwise, they wouldn't be on your page would

they?). But, this also does wonders for the people who want to advertise. And it's because of

the same reason. The greatest thing about Google AdSense is that all the content in a banner is


This relevancy is the key to the programs success, and also the reason why everyone remains

happy. The advertiser has a relevantly placed advert, the publisher earns money from their

content and Google take their cut. Of course, as always, Google has set some high standards for

its AdSense program, in terms of looks and functionality. You can't have more than two such

banners on your website and Google only inserts text in these banners. So an extra benefit is

that AdSense advertising is a lot less obtrusive then regular advertising. But this also means you

should position the banner better because it's possible that visitors might miss it altogether.

So in the end, Google AdSense is an advertising program that is unique because the ads are

relevant to the content on the site. Anyone that wants to advertise pays Google for it. Anyone

who wants to place ads on their site does this through AdSense, getting paid by Google in the

process. All transactions are run through Google, and the advertisers and publishers get access

to statistics which help them to understand and moderate the effectiveness of their campaign.

The whole process is elegant, simple and effective from anyone in the chain, from site visitors

to advertisers, and it's one of the reasons Google are known for their innovation and new


You need to have optimized niche website templates for best results. You may find the best

adsense templates and blog templates at below site.

Getting Started With Adsense

A very important element in the rapid adoption of AdSense is that it has been very easy for

publishers to get the ads on their site as quickly as possible. Integrating AdSense in your


website takes only a few minutes, and you can be on your way with one or more nicely

integrated AdSense ads. The first thing you need to do is navigate to and either apply or log in with your existing account and

password. What follows is a page presenting the Google AdSense Terms and Conditions which

you must agree to in order to proceed.

You are presented with a report page which you can use to get a detailed status on how your

AdSense advertising is doing. This allows you to improve your site's contents and layout to

maximize your AdSense earnings. On the top of your page you also have link to the setup

section where you can generate the code that will need to be pasted on your website in order

to have AdSense banners on your page. You can use AdSense for text (the said ads), using a

search box or with referrals. Your choice among these options depends on how users will

navigate your site.

Finally, there is a "My Account" tab which allows you to set up details concerning your account,

payment and tax information.

To add a text ad on your site, go back to the "AdSense Setup" tab and click the "AdSense for

content" link. Make sure you have cookies enabled in your browser.

You can make a choice between ad units and link units. The former contain text and or images

concerning a certain site for each unit, most with a detailed description, the latter only contain

links to certain types. Of course, it's a bit hard to know which type you should use so you

should probably experiment with both for a while before you decide. You can also view an

example of how the unit will look to the right of your page. However, you may only use three

ad units and one link unit on any given page. This is believed to be a step which Google takes

for quality control.

The next step is to choose your add format and colors. You can basically select any color palette

you choose with Google offering some of its own if you don't have the time or skill to create

one. You can constantly view how the palette will look through the aid of an example. The one

that works best in terms of appearance and revenues will vary with the look, feel and content

of a website.

However, your ad formats are limited to a choice of eleven formats. There's an "Ad Formats"

link which takes you to a page that lets you see all even of these in action so you can decide

best which one suits your site. Sometimes the most intrusive, doesn’t work best however again,

this can vary from website to website. After you finish with customization, you can click

"Continue" from the bottom of the page.


You are now presented with a section entitled "AdSense for Content". You can click anywhere

in the text and that shows the JavaScript required to get AdSense running. This will

automatically select the text in the box. You can then copy it and paste it into your pages

directly. If you use dynamic pages, you should paste this code within your template so as to

ensure that it gets displayed on any page of your website. Some advertisers choose not to

display Adsense on every page, and this is understandable. An example of this is a company

that has adsense, may also have terms and condition which would inevitably provide legal

resources which would probably be deemed inappropriate.

What is then left for you to do is get content on your page (provided you didn't have any

already). Google AdSense crawlers will soon visit your site, making sure that the ads displayed

are relevant to your site's content. And you're all done. For a simple page this should indeed be

a matter of a few minutes, which is precisely what makes AdSense the choice for so many.

Although it is quick, its mass appeal also makes it the best. Through being the most popular,

advertisers and publishers alike see Adsense and Adwords as their natural first choice.

You need to have optimized niche website templates for best results. You may find the best

adsense templates and blog templates at below site.

Bulk profitable affiliate, Google AdSense and Click bank websites

You can find any hot topic of ready-made niche AdSense sites at

for-sale/profitable-niche-websites. Or you can buy bulk profitable affiliate, Google AdSense and

Click bank websites with wholesale price at

for-sale/Bulk-websites . No time to set up bulk sites yourself? Yes, it is quiet time-consuming to do all

the works yourself. Why not check out “ALL DONE FOR YOU” package at .

ClickBank has already created over 1000 millionaires. Yep. 1000. That’s INSANE! Now it’s your turn.

Watch The Video at that Can Change Your Life Forever!! The step by

step course will teach you how to be an online millionaire. If you do not have your own product to

promote, it does not matter, you still can make huge commission by someone else’s products. Here is an

easy way to set up your own Clickbank Mall, sell 13,000 products and earn 50-70% commissions! Check

The resource at teach

people How to make passive income from Clickbank?


Cheap domain and unlimited hosting

To host bulk websites, you need a cheap unlimited hosting package to host all of your websites! offer unlimited hosting with £36 yearly

only. The unlimited hosting package comes with unlimited sub-domains that allow you to host as many

websites as you want. However, the hosting package does not come with a free domain. You can

register a domain from any supplier you like or find a cheap domain at Alternately, here is another choice; you can get unlimited Gold

hosting plan (Free 1 domain + Free 1 Dedicated IP address) with $7.84/month only at (Use discount code “kokoshungsan” on the checkout area

that will give you 30% off straight away!).

Affiliate, Drop Ship, Reseller, Private label / Own label

Programs (Earn Extra Income! No financial outlay! No inventory to


Make your Living Online

Affiliate marketing's been a staple of the internet marketing scene for many years now. It's

highly touted as a money maker for newbies and experienced marketers alike. But does it really

pay to be an affiliate marketer? Let's take a look to learn more...

Basically affiliate marketing's an agreement between a web site owner and a merchant. The

web site owner's actually an advertiser for the merchant or product creator. The agreement is a

contract between the two parties that stipulates that the site owner can use various methods

including the space on his site to promote the merchants goods. The merchant meanwhile

agrees to pay a percentage of each sale generated through the affiliates personalized link.

This benefits both sides because the product creator spends nothing to advertise their goods

and the affiliate pays nothing to research and develop new products.

This creates a win-win situation.

The product creator wins by saving money on advertising, which is one of the most costly

aspects of doing business, by passing this cost on to affiliates. Basically it's a pay-per-


performance deal because the merchant doesn't accrue any costs until the sale's made and the

merchant pays the specified commission.

The affiliate marketer wins by being able to sell an already developed product, thus saving the

time and money on the front end by not having to deal with R&D and product creation. The

product is already developed and proven by the merchant, and all you have to do as an affiliate

is finding as many prospects as you can that will bring in the profit for both the merchant and


Another benefit to the affiliate is that most programs are free to join and have pre-made sales

material so your marketing experience doesn't have to be that of an expert. Probably the

biggest benefit to being an affiliate marketer on the internet's the internet itself.

Because of the global reach of the internet it's very easy to reach tens of thousands of

prospects for almost any type of product line. It's also very easy to intensify your efforts as an

affiliate marketer to exploit new and productive strategies such as viral marketing, ebooks,

special reports and autoresponders.

Lastly, as an affiliate marketer you get to pick and choose between many different products to

promote. You're not married to a specific product or even a specific product type. Your risks are

minimal because there are no long term binding contracts so if one product doesn't bring in a

profit you can quickly and easily replace it with another.

All in all affiliate marketing's still an excellent way to earn income from the internet. Perform

your due diligence, find a hungry market, find a good product and go for it! You might check out

the video that teaches people how to earn full time income online.

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing in 6 Easy Steps

Affiliate marketing is probably the simplest business model you can choose to build a business.

Of course the devil is in the details, as they say, but the overall model can really be broken

down into six steps. Before we get to the steps, I want you to ask yourself a question. What do

you hope to accomplish with affiliate marketing? This is an easier question to answer than it

might seem. There are really only two basic choices here.

The first is what I call the “quick buck” choice. In other words, you want to make a few dollars

quickly, and you are not interested in building a business. If this is you, all you need to do is

learn how to write exceptionally good ads, and then use them to promote your affiliate


product. Many people will say I am wrong, but there is nothing wrong with doing this, as long

as you are honestly not trying to build a long term business this way.

On the other hand, if you are looking to build a business with income potential for the long

term, then you will have a longer road ahead of you. It will take you longer before you see any

profit from your efforts, but it will be worth it when you are able to take a day off, or even a

week off, and still have sales in your absence.

These steps should be followed in order. If you try to go out of sequence, you will not get the

results you are after.

1. Pick a Market

Why pick a market and not pick a product? Because you will eventually want to add additional

products into your pipeline. You should pick a market that interests you, and maybe something

you already know something about. Don't forget that you are building for the long term.

2. Pick a Product

Once you have your market chosen, you should pick just one product to begin with. It will be

very tempting to try to add all kinds of related products at first, but don't. Having just one

product will help you focus on the important tasks. You will want to pick a product that

converts well. What this means is that the product sells to a high percentage of visitors. This

will help keep your cost per visitor down and increase your profits.

3. Build a follow-up series

Also called an autoresponder series, you should build one based on the topic and the contents

of the product you are promoting. If it is a physical product you are promoting, you will have to

create or locate content that is directly related to the product. As an example, if you are selling

golf clubs, you could create a series about how to buy golf clubs that fit, or the benefits of

custom clubs, or even something about the club preferences of famous professional golfers. Be

as creative as you can, and do not stray off topic. It has been said that most sales are not made

in the initial contact, they are made on the seventh. If you are not following up with your

prospects, the bottom line is you are losing sales.


4. Build an email capture page

This is where you will capture information about your prospects so you can send your follow-up

series. If you are building a business, having your own web site is a necessity, if only because

you will control the content, and be able to capture email addresses for yourself. You might be

able to get by for a while without this, but it just isn't worth it.

5. Drive traffic to your squeeze page

Until you are finished with step four, you shouldn't even think about traffic techniques. If you

don't have anywhere to send the traffic, why worry about how to generate it in the first place.

Depending on the traffic generation techniques you choose, it may take some time for you to

start seeing sales in your program. You should spend this time developing one or two streams

of traffic, and refining these techniques to help you drive more traffic with less effort.

6. Find additional related products

Once your business is making some money, it is time to start adding to your list of products. I

don't mean you should go out and sign up for every affiliate program that is even remotely

related. What I do mean is that you should carefully choose an additional product or two, and

add them into your pipeline. Because you have been building a list of qualified prospects, you

will be able to market these new products to them. This is the really long term money maker

for your business. As long as you continue to recommend good products to your customer list,

you can continue to make money off of them, even the ones who have already bought your last

product recommendation.

So these six steps are all you need to go from nothing to having a profitable business selling

other peoples products. It can be easy to lose focus if you are not seeing immediate results, so

keep your sights on the end goal of having a profitable business. You may also find it hard

finding your initial market and product. Take your time and choose the best product you can.

If the product you choose to promote is not good, your prospects will not continue to listen to

your recommendations. has affiliate, reseller, dropship, and private label programs that

are available to individuals and companies who would like to generate money. You should look

to utilize the benefits of reselling products at which provides

services that always cater to your every need in a single swoop. You will be able to sell 1000+

products that include: beauty, health, clothing and ecommerce with free drop ship services and


no inventory to keep. There is an excellent retail/wholesale business opportunity and drop

shipping service for those who are willing to produce their own brand names. You can promote

our products either by Kokoshungsan’s brand name or your brand name.

Private label programs

If you are willing to promote Kokoshungsan’s products with your brand name, you should check

the private label programs at Private label

programs help you to set up your own branding products including health food supplement, skin care

cosmetic products, eyelash products, and custom clothing.


We also provide “ALL DONE FOR YOU BUSINESS PACK” pack that comes with your personalized website

loaded with your brand products, free 1 year domain, hosting. Check . Having website loaded with YOUR

OWN BRAND products! Choose from health business, beauty business, clothing business, and e-

commerce business..etc.

Reseller and drop ship programs

If you are willing to promote Kokoshungsan’s products by our own brand name, you should join

the reseller, affiliate, and drop ship programs at . With the

programs, you can resell any products you like and get free handling fee for drop ship service. Any item

you purchase will be posted to your clients directly. Simply register a reseller account at (choose “Reseller” on business



If you need a ready to go website for your home business, the ALL DONE FOR YOU BUSINESS PACK is a

good idea! You can find health supplement business web store, skin care business store, beauty store, or

clothing web store at The business pack

includes reseller, affiliate and drop ship programs and loaded with all drop ship products, you can also

list unlimited your own products to sell as well. With the fully functional shopping cart site, not only you

can easily recruiting your affiliates, but also get free drop ship service from us! Easily start your home

business and earn full time income online with no financial outlay and no inventory to keep! Have your

own drop ship website loaded with drop ship products and ready to trade within hours, with the ability


to accept online payments. The e-commerce website is fully automated and also includes your own

affiliate program. Free 1 year domain and hosting will be provided.

Affiliate programs

The affiliate programs are free and enable you to earn revenue by placing a link or links on your web

site which advertises supplier’s websites or any specific products on it. Any sales made to customers

who have clicked on those links will earn the affiliate commission. Register an affiliate account at

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Free resource

FREE website for life

Kokoshungsan Ltd. provides free drop ship /reseller/ affiliate opportunities and aims to

build 100 free websites (English language only) to help those who want/ need to run business

from home, want/need to earn extra income, and are willing to support DHGMO’s

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FOR LIFE? Apply for the latest support charity work and get one website free of charge at .

FREE web store for trade buyers and wholesale suppliers

It is FREE to create your own web store and list unlimited products to sell at

For Trade buyers- 1) Contact wholesale suppliers for FREE. 2) Find wholesale products for FREE. 3)

Register a FREE account. 4) Send your buy requests for FREE.

For wholesale suppliers- 1) Create your own store, list unlimited products, and receive orders

on 2) Increase your business and products visibility to global buyers

FREE Amazon affiliate website

Free established amazon affiliate website Plus 100+ Free themes at

FREE training lessons, videos, software, and handbook

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Best-selling author is going to tell you how to make between $100 to $ 2 weeks? and giving

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Products & Suppliers-

Health Food Supplements

Be affiliate- register an account at

Be reseller and get dropship service- register an account at below link (choose “reseller” option in the

registration form)

Purchase your own personalized website (resell + affiliate + drop ship programs included)

Private Label Program

All in one Private Label Pack (Your personalized website loaded with your own branding products, Free 1

year domain, hosting,seo..etc)


Skin Care Cosmetic Beauty Product

Be affiliate - please register an account at

Be reseller and get drop ship service - register an account at below link (choose “reseller” option in the

registration form)


Purchase your own personalized website (resell + affiliate + drop ship programs included)

Private Label Program

Personalized custom clothing

Be affiliate - register an account at

Be reseller and get drop ship service - register an account at below link (choose “reseller” option in the

registration form)

Purchase your own personalized website (resell + affiliate + dropship programs included)

Private Label Program

All in one Private Label Pack (Your personalized website loaded with your own branding products, Free 1

year domain, hosting,seo..etc)


Established website, SEO, software, ebooks etc

Be affiliate; please register an account at

Be reseller and get free drop ship service, please register an account at below link (contact webmaster to

upgrade your account to reseller one.)

Kokoshungsan Ltd. © 2012 Kokoshungsan Ltd, Registered in England and Wales, UK. No. 8105394; Houghton Hall Lodge, The Green,Houghton Regis, Dunstable,Bedfordshire, LU5 5DY, UK . T: +44 (0) 208 123 8887 E:
