Should I Stay or Should I Go

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Should I stay or should I go?

Deciding when to move on is always a tough decision, whether it’s a job, a relationship, or a

volunteer position you have enjoyed. Believe me, I know the feeling. I loved my career for

fifteen years. But I ignored the internal clues I was getting–boredom and the feeling of being

stuck–and I stayed on for five more. Those last five years I remember waking up in the morning,

thinking, “Is this a week day?” And the sinking feeling of dread when I realized it was.

Clearly it was time to go. I believe that if you listen, your best advice will come from within. If

you aren’t in a position to leave immediately, make a plan. Take the time to figure out what you

really want to do. Life is too short to allow yourself to be stuck in a place that has lost its meaning for you.

Change can be scary, but it can also bring great rewards. Transitions are part of life. Most of us

will experience a great many in our lifetime. The best ones are the ones you initiate yourself. It’s a great feeling to steer your own boat.

When I decided to leave, I woke up every morning feeling free. After a while, that feeling was

replaced with a sense of adventure. I was going to reinvent myself. Investing in a business is a bold move. But it just might be the right move.

Jane Stein

