Question 1 evaluation

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USE-COVER From looking at my cover, you can see that I have used a mid shot as that is the typical shot type used within magazines (especially pop magazines). This means you can see the facial expressions better.

Another thing that I used was bright pink as my magazine colour theme as many other pop magazines have used this. This is because the audience is generally young girls and pink will stand out to them. I have also used a white background as pop magazines usually use block colours for the background and it is typically white as it goes with all colours.

Another thing I used was the coloured rectangles to put some of my text in which makes it stand out against the background.

Also, I used a similar font for the cover line and put it in the same position over the image and ten used a rectangular box right above it to make the font in that box stand out.

DEVELOP-COVER I decided to have a similar font used for their masthead for mine but mine was straight across the width of the page and was across one line rather than 2 and mine did not have a box around it.

I also developed the poster strip at the bottom of the page which has the posters on it, even though I used similar writing on the left of the strip, I used my own images with different poses and did not use as many posters as they were wider.

I also didn't put the contact details underneath the barcode as I did not have enough space.


On the cover which I got some of my inspiration from, there was straplines and text down the right side of the page which I decided not to include as I wanted the main article image to be fully visible and if I added the boxes it would make the page cramped and would cover some of the image including the models face.

I also wanted to fill in blank spaces so I added a sticker and filled it with text which would attract my audience which is young girls to my magazine as they think they can win something. I decided to add this certain shape after seeing how it looks on other pop magazines with a similar target audience.


From looking at my contents page, you can see that I have used a few elements from the top of the pops magazine contents page as I thought it helped it look more professional. One of the elements I used was the text boxes for different segments within the magazine.

The top of the pops magazine used gradient boxes with the pink starting at the top and then gradually turning into white. They also used a drop shadow on the boxes to make them stand out from the background which I also did.

Also on the images on the top of the pops magazine they put pink numbers overlapping them so you know which page those certain things are on.

I also used the white background which they used as well which carried on my theme for my magazine and helped it look clean and professional.


Also I challenged the text box headers. The top of the pops magazine decided to put the header of each box in a different text box but I decided to put mine in within the text and changed the colour to white as it stands out against the pink so I had no need to use a different text box in order for it to stand out.

I decided to cut my image out and not have the background attached to it whereas their pictures have a background on them. I decided to do this as it looked cleaner and more professional.


also developed the choice of images. I decided to have a main image which will attract you straight to it as it is so large and that is the feature article in the magazine whereas the top of the pops magazine did not have a main image.

I decided to develop the layout of the contents page. The top of the pops contents page used 3 columns whereas I only used 1 to keep it simple.

I also decided to develop the images and have 2 images along the bottom of the page to attract you to them and they have a number next to them to direct you straight to that page. I also decided to keep the backgrounds to give that area some structure so it looked professional.

USE-DOUBLE PAGE SPREADI decided to use one side of my page for my image as we love pop did as I thought it looked neat and professional.

I also decided to keep the white background as I did for my cover and contents pages to keep the theme consistent throughout the magazine.

Another thing I decided to use was the quote for the headline of the page as I thought it was professional and gave you an insight in to what the interview was about which would grip the reader quickly.


For the main image I decided to use a mid shot whereas the we love pop magazine used a long shot(full body shot). I decided to not use a long shot as I have already used one for my contents page and didn't want to use one again straight after. Also, with the mid shot it filled the whole page so it did not look sparse.

Another thing I challenged was the pull out quote for the headline, the we love pop magazine used a big quote and used different colours for the first and second half of the quote whereas I used a small quote and used different colours for the quotation marks only to make it stand out against the white background.


I decided to not put an additional image in the text as I thought it looked a lot neater without it and more professional as I think the we love pop magazine looks cramped with it in the text.

I also decided to challenge the pink shapes which were in certain places on the we love pop magazine. I thought they looked like they were randomly placed on the page and I wanted to keep my magazine neat and tidy and not cluttered.