Presentation skills training

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A presentation of basic presentation skills for beginners prepared for Environment Protection Authority staff on Socotra island, Yemen.

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Powerpoint and Presentation Skills

Training for EPA and project staffMay 2011


• Preparing a presentation

• Presenting to an audience

• Attending a presentation

• Questions

Preparing a presentation

Step 1: Template

• is a unified design which will be used for every slide of your presentation

• gives identity to your presentation

Types of Templates

• a company templatewith logos, company colors (example: SGBP)

• a pre-set templateselected from themes available in PPT

When choosing a template

choose one in sober colors, light color background and dark font.

Simple template with a light background and a dark font will make your presentationeasily readable for your audience.

Dark background with a white font

looks fancy but only for first few minutes. This negative combination of colors makes people’s eyes tired quickly and you lose their attention.

Step 2: Title page

• is the first page of the presentation

• must contain: title of the presentation, name of the author, logos, date

• serves for later identification of the presentation

Powerpoint and Presentation Skills

Training for EPA and project staffMarch 2011

Step 3: Agenda

• means the content of your presentation. It tells your audience what to expect and how long it will be.

• by informing your listeners about the structure, you help them to understand where they are in your story.


• Preparation of a presentation

• Presentation to an audience

• Behavior during a presentation

• Examples of great presenters

Step 4: Inside slides

• deliver the actual content of your presentation

• use text, pictures, icons, maps, videos


Inside slides - text


Maximum 5 lines for a slide

Inside slides - text

Better to have 20 slides with 5 lines on each


5 slides with 20 lines on each.

Inside slides• deliver the actual content of your presentation • use text, pictures, icons, maps, videos


GOLDEN RULE:Maximum 5 lines for a slide • Use bullet points• The shorter sentence the better• Only the most important is written – the rest should be said in your own words• The purpose of you personally presenting is not to be reading exactly what’s written in PPT

Inside slides• deliver the actual content of your presentation • use text, pictures, icons, maps, videos


GOLDEN RULE:Maximum 5 lines for a slide • Use bullet points• The shorter sentence the better• Only the most important is written – the rest should be said in your own words• The purpose of you personally presenting is not to be reading exactly what’s written in PPT


English – Arabic Translation

• The GOLDEN RULE must be observed especially if you

have bi-lingual presentations

سلمت- 1 حيث سقطرى المدني المجتمع بمنظمات الخاصة االستشارة من االنتهاء تمالعربية باللغة كانت المسلمة المادة إن غير تقارير ألربعة أولية مسودة الوطنية المستشارة

2- NGOs consultation were carried out in the last two months and a preliminary draft reports was prepared in Arabic.

عمل- 2 تم ورشة المحلية والسلطات المدني المجتمع منظمات استهدفت يومين لمدةمنظمات واحتياجات وصعوبات بالمشروع بالتعريف خاصة عروض ثالثة تقديم خاللها

. التمويالت على للحصول صغيرة مشاريع مقترحات تطوير وكيفية المدني المجتمع2- Two days workshop targeting NGOs and Local Authorities were organized. The following three subjects where presented: introduction to the project, constraint and needs of NGOs and development of small project proposals for possible funding.

Component three: NGOs Advocacy : منظمات ودوور قدرات تعزيز الثالث المكون

المدني المجتمع

Project Progress to date االنجاز مستوى

سلمت- 1 حيث سقطرى المدني المجتمع بمنظمات الخاصة االستشارة من االنتهاء تمالعربية باللغة كانت المسلمة المادة إن غير تقارير ألربعة أولية مسودة الوطنية المستشارة

2- NGOs consultation were carried out in the last two months and a preliminary draft reports was prepared in Arabic.

عمل- 2 تم ورشة المحلية والسلطات المدني المجتمع منظمات استهدفت يومين لمدةمنظمات واحتياجات وصعوبات بالمشروع بالتعريف خاصة عروض ثالثة تقديم خاللها

. التمويالت على للحصول صغيرة مشاريع مقترحات تطوير وكيفية المدني المجتمع2- Two days workshop targeting NGOs and Local Authorities were organized. The following three subjects where presented: introduction to the project, constraint and needs of NGOs and development of small project proposals for possible funding.

Component three: NGOs Advocacy : منظمات ودوور قدرات تعزيز الثالث المكون

المدني المجتمع

Project Progress to date االنجاز مستوى


Inside slides – visual elements

• Use pictures, photos, maps, or icons for easier understanding and remembering

• One picture says more than 100 words

Inside slides – visual elements

Socotra islandSocotra island is located in Arabian Sea some 380 km from the southern coast of Yemen with its southern coast exposed to waves of the Indian Ocean.

Inside slides – visual elements

Socotra islandSocotra island is located in Arabian Sea some 380 km from the southern coast of Yemen with its southern coast exposed to waves of the Indian Ocean.

Inside slides – animations

• Use animations

Or you will look like a fool

But not too much

Inside slides – video

Final slide

Thank you for your attention

Possible to include your email in case you want to be contacted by members of the audience

So you think the job is doneand you can relax?


Finalizing a presentation

Read your presentation again to:

correct spelling mistakes, grammar, missing words…

unify form of all slides (eg. all slides will be written in Calibri font size 28, aligned to the left)

check that inserted video and audio files work properly

Saving a presentation

• Save your presentation in your computer but also on a flash disk, email it, or burn a DVD – just in case one medium doesn’t work

• In PPT format, changes can be always made

• If you want to give your presentation to people but don’t want them to mess with it, save it as PDF (but you’ll lose all animations and videos – attach them separately)

Handing out a presentation

• Prepare DVDs with your presentation and your business cards to be handed out to your audience

• If you are on budget: upload the PPT online (eg. Dropbox, Yousendit)* and give people a link from which they can download it



• Rehearse your presentation

• Great presenters rehearse 10times longer than is the actual duration of their presentation

And now you are ready.Relax.

Presenting to an audience

Before you start

• Come in advance to connect your computer with a projector and to make sure that all technical parts work well.

• Distribute DVDs or print outs of your presentation around a table/on chairs for the audience

• Have a glass of water ready

Before you start

• Come in advance to connect your computer with a projector and to make sure that all technical parts work well.

• Distribute DVDs or print outs of your presentation around a table/on chairs for the audience

• Have a glass of water ready


• Have yourself introduced by the organizer of the meeting or introduce yourself at the beginning of your performance

• Announce a goal of your presentation (eg. At the end of this presentation, you will be able to create a well structured presentation and present it in a satisfactory way.)

Presenting – eye contact

• If you're speaking to a small group (2-15 people), then try to accomplish eye contact with each person for a few seconds throughout your delivery.

• Look up from your materials, or notes, every 5-10 seconds, to look into the audience.

Presenting – voice

• Speak a little bit louder and a little bit slower than you normally would do with a friend.

• Vary the volume and rate of your speech. A monotone voice will kill your audience’s attention.

Presenting – position

• Stand with your feet at shoulder-length apart.

• Keep your hands relatively still.

• Always face your audience when speaking – never turn your back to them. Read from your laptop screen, not from the wall behind where the presentation is projected.

Presenting – translation• Translation – speak in short sentences.

• It’s not recommended to translate your presentation yourself

For official presentation, have a professional interpreter for simultaneous translation.

An unofficial, workshop-like meeting, you can translate yourself but you will have to divide your concentration between what you are saying and translation.

Presenting – questions

• Complementary questions (to clarify what has been said) can be asked during your delivery

• For other questions (which need more time to reply), there is a “question part” after you finish presenting

A presenter should also ask questions to the audience to check whether they understand his message and to keep them attentive by interactivity. 

Presenting – conclusion

• Thank your audience for their attention

• Encourage them to contact you in case they have more questions or relevant issues 

Attending a presentation

Mobile phones

• Switch off your mobile phone. It is absolutely rude to disturb a presentation by your mobile ringing.

• If it is necessary to have it on, turn silent mode on.

Late arrival

• Do not knock on the door, greet loudly, shake hands with people.

• It is your mistake that you are delayed so try to disturb the ongoing presentation as little as possible. (You will greet the fellow guys from the audience after the presentation.)

Asking questions

• If you want to ask a question, you need to ask for being given the floor – by rising hand or saying “excuse me…”.

• One person always speaks at a time. Interrupting other person’s speech is unacceptable and also harms the communication.

Printing a presentation

• It’s not necessary to print out each sheet separately – printing from PPT has options to print 2, 4 or 6 sheets on a single page. • NEVER print out PPT with a dark background


• Preparation: KEEP IT SIMPLE

• Presentation: ENTERTAIN

• Attending a presentation: DO NOT DISTURB

