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A brief sales pitch of my work and myself as an artist and writer to potential employers.

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The Visual Resume Of Shane Attwell


“How to Present your Professional

Profile in a Professional Manner”

An age old question that is thought at least once by any entertainer is this:

Which is better: to be the popular performer, or the memorable one?

Some chose to be the popular star, shining brightest for a moment with “popular” jokes and acts…

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…but that star will eventually fade with time and a new one will take it’s attention as it falls.  

Others take the path less travelled, the path of memorability.

It’s a harder, longer path than the other, for sure. More effort and devotion are given to one’s craft.

But it more often than not leads to true, everlasting success, as unlike those who take the popular route, those who see the value in this road are worth remembering.

There is a saying of mine that fits with my message. “Any court jester can entertain the king, but only his scholar can teach him to properly rule.”

“If you are going to describe the history of animation, you'd look at the early Disney work, then 'Bugs Bunny,' 'Road Runner' and other Warner Brothers theatrical productions. But when you got to 'Rocky and Bullwinkle,' you'd see they were unique: They assumed you had a brain in your head.”

- Ray Bradbury

What I want is to both entertain and enrich my audience, and to inspire people of all ages through my art and writing. Children, adults, people of all walks of life!

I want to inspire others with my art and writing, just as others inspired me with theirs.

My Mantra?

To give my audience and my clients what they want…

…as well as what they need.

Because this mindset often leads to the best results.  

I grew up in a Silver age of animation and was raised on those cartoons.

I like to think I came out all the better because of them.

Why do I feel this strongly?

Kids deserve better than mediocrity in cartoons. What Kids deserve better than mediocrity in cartoons. What their worldly viewpoint.

I want to use both my strengths and my weaknesses to improve my work.

I want my writing to be witty, yet engaging. My characters compelling and my scenarios imaginative.

I’m witty and honest, yet polite and respectful.

I’ve studied various writing and art styles, and qualify as an analyst as well as a writer.

And I’ve put these skills, as an artist, analyst, and writer, to good use.

I’ve got plenty of ideas, so all I need now is someone who’s interested in them.

Contact Info: Email: cometcomics77@aol.com

or zanesoldark77@fullsail.edu

I like to conduct myself in a professional manner, so I act the same of those who are interested in

my abilities.

List of Image References: h#p://pixabay.com/get/13e5f2d036b720defc27/1411236118/alice-­‐29233.svg?direct      h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/22384936@N08/2572672552/      h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/44124348109@N01/4634541472      h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/8081264@N04/4665951185      h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/90376676@N02/10470941146/      h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/53208337@N00/2072261716      h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/49840171@N08/11495163154/  

h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/59306007@N08/5427078006/      www.flickr.com/photos/89334149@N00/376773566/      h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/39415781@N06/4039919194      h#p://indiewritenet.com/scifi/wp-­‐content/blogs.dir/259/files/2012/09/ray-­‐bradbury2.jpg      h#p://pixabay.com/get/f6eddd7c37b54fff7972/1411257137/arches-­‐423033_1280.jpg?direct      h#p://pixabay.com/get/bf201a2f2771db9c4fcd/1411257537/presence-­‐440262_1280.jpg?direct      h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/16230215@N08/3316550063/      www.flickr.com/photos/45409431@N00/9192989997/        

h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/80384851@N00/6944659115/      h#ps://www.flickr.com/photos/46646401@N06/14819469915/      h#p://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/r/raybradbur626620.html  

Inspired by the works of Genndy Tartakovsky and Alex Hirsch. And a thanks to all writers and animators who go beyond the call of duty to create something wonderful.
