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Do you think my photo's are suitable for a music magazine?




I ask this question to see if the photo’s are taken are suitable for the purpose of the shoot which are images for a music magazine. As you can see 7% of the people who replied answered yes and 3% said no, none of the population said unsure.

Question 1:

Do my use of Photoshop editing techniques work well with my photos?



Needs more editing

Needs less editing


Question 2:

For this question I asked if my Photoshop editing worked well with my photos. From the results above 2% said yes, 1% replied no, 4% said that the shots need more editing and 3% need less editing. This shows that my shots could have had more editing done to make my music magazine better.

Do you think the positions and angles look good on my portrait shots?




Question 3:

For this question I asked about the camera techniques I used to take my shots. From the results I figured out that 6% of the population said the positions and angles did look good, 3% said no and 1% said unsure. This shows that the positions and angles did work well according to the results from the chart.

Question 4

This question was different than the others, they can select more than one answer. As you can see from the results above the questions are equal, this shows that I haven't included much of these main editing/ camera skills in my shots and would have worked better if I did.

What do you think could be improved to make my shots look better?

Photoshop editing

Camera techniques

Location of shoot

Brightness and colour

