Perrysburg Rotary February 11, 2011

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“Workers walk the same halls, but are separate generational societies.”

Randstad 2008 World of Work Survey

One out of four human resource professionals report witnessing intergenerational conflicts among workers.

Source: Society for Human Resource Management

When you were born determines the momentous events, social trends,

economic conditions, and cultural norms you experience as a young person.

12 years old

1950:‣Cold War heats up when United States convicts

communist spy Alger Hiss of perjury‣Truman orders development of hydrogen bomb‣United States enters Korean War‣FCC licenses first color television broadcasts‣“Great Appalachian Storm” ravages 22 northeastern

states, killing 323 people‣Peanuts debuts in seven newspapers

1963• George Wallace becomes governor of Alabama• Betty Friedan publishes The Feminine Mystique, launching

the Women’s Movement• The Beatles release their first album, Please Please Me• U.S. Postal Service introduces ZIP Codes• Coke unveils TaB, the first diet cola• Martin Luther King delivers “I Have a Dream” speech• President John F. Kennedy is assassinated

1972✓ President Nixon visits China for eight days✓ Nixon re-elected as the Watergate Scandal breaks✓ U.S. ground troops leave Vietnam✓ Atari kicks off video game craze with launch of Pong✓ Apollo 17 is last manned mission to the moon✓ Wallace is shot✓ The Boston Marathon allows women to officially compete

1987• Dow Jones closes above 2,000 for first time

• DJ drops 22.6 percent on “Black Monday” (remains largest one-day decline)

• Second “Unabomber” bomb explodes

• “Baby Jessica” rescued after falling into a well

• Prozac approved• Tower Commission blames

President Reagan for Iran-Contra affair

• World population reaches 5 billion

2001 • September 11 attacks• George W. Bush

becomes president• First self-contained

artificial human heart implanted

• U.S. Patriot Act becomes law

• Enron files bankruptcy• Timothy McVeigh is

executed for Oklahoma City bombing


marks the first time in history that members of four separate generations make up the U.S. workforce


The age gap between the oldest and youngest workers in America is wider than ever—and likely to continue growing.

Four Generations at WorkSilent Generation 1925 - 1945

Baby Boomers 1946 - 1964

Generation X 1965 - 1980

Generation Y 1981 - 2000



Having grown up in the wake of World War II, many people in this generation refrained from voicing unpopular beliefs for fear of being considered subversive.

job security

Unlike their parents who might have dreamed of traveling the world or amassing corporate empires, the Silent Generation had simpler aspirations.

Midlife Crisis In the late 1970s,

companies responded to an economic

recession and high inflation by laying off

workers in droves.

How SG describes itself



Strong work ethic

Respectful of coworkers

Accepting of responsibility

Eager to share knowledge

How others describe SG

Excessively conforming



Resistant to change

Intellectually diminished

Too old to get the job done

Difference of Opinion

Two-thirds of Generation Yers say they have little or no weekly interaction with members of the Silent Generation at work.

Source: Randstad, 2008 World of Work Survey

Whether because they are leading longer, healthier lives or lacking the financial resources necessary to stop working, many older workers

are putting off retirement.

In the ten-year period ending 2007, the number of workers age sixty-five and over increased by 101 percent. Perhaps more surprising is that

employment among people age seventy-five

and over jumped 172 percent during

the same period.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

“Can they still be productive?”

Frequent Question

Research shows that there is no correlation between age and

how well employees perform their primary tasks.

Source: Ng, T. W. H., & Feldman, D. C. (2008). The relationship of age to ten dimensions of job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(2), 392-423.

Older workers are less likely to...

Engage in tardiness or absenteeism

Display workplace aggression

Use drugs or alcohol at work

Refrain from helping co-workers

Complain(Ng & Feldman, 2008)

In an American society that increasingly appreciates cultural diversity, the Silent Generation seems highly


Intentionally or not, members of this generation

continue to use demeaning and bigoted language, employ gender and racial double standards, and show deference to white males.

The largest generation,


make up 50 percent of the U.S. workforce.

80M I L L I O N

From crowded elementary schools to depleted retirement funds, the Baby Boomer generation’s size

has burdened institutional infrastructures for decades.

Unlike their “silent” parents, Baby Boomers were not afraid

to challenge cultural norms.

waged war at home against

Whereas the Silent Generation fought a war abroad to protect freedom, Baby Boomers

the people and policies that limited that freedom.

“Change Agents” Civil Rights bills passed U.S. involvement in Vietnam War ended Legislation enacted barring discrimination on the basis

of race, gender, religion, national origin, sexual preference, physical ability, and age

Movements to stop polluting the earth and to start conserving it instead

Employee-focused policies, procedures, and regulations prevalent in most business organizations today

These former crusaders went to work, putting in long hours and chasing salaries that would allow them to improve on their parents’ lot.


In the twenty years following the

Boomers’ entrance in the workforce,

the annual amount of time

Americans spent at work increased

an average of one full month.

At a point in life when boomers are looking for

greater balance, work is becoming

exceedingly rigorous.

Employees face demands to work longer hours, learn new technology, absorb the duties

of laid-off coworkers, and meet increasingly unrealistic goals.

“The Sandwich Generation” Boomers who care for older

children as well as aging parents.

Boomers may have traded marching on Washington for walking for a cure, but they’re still looking for

ways to make a difference.


relevance matters

Generation Xers were born into a culture in which birth control and abortion became prevalent—and children were seen as avoidable or disposable.


Gen Xersinherited their Boomer

parents’ social rubble (i.e., no-fault divorce, staggering

debt, anti-American sentiment abroad, etc.)

Attributes:skeptical; fiercely independent; technically competent; comfortable with diversity, change, and competition

Whereas Boomers questioned authority, Gen Xers disrespect it outright.

“Whatever!”Xers consider truth to be relevant–and cutting to

the chase a good approach to getting things done. Those philosophies might conflict with professional and ethical codes of conduct.

The most ignored children of any generation.

Whereas the Industrial Revolution drew fathers outside the home to work, Gen

Xers probably grew up in households in which both parents held jobs.



40 percent of Gen Xers grew up in broken homes

MEi t ’ s a l l a b o u t

56 percent of Gen Xers are married, and 49 percent have children at home. In other words, the “me generation” is entrenched in the American Dream.

Source: Randstad, 2008 World of Work Survey


Technology is both a blessing and a curse–employers expect Xers to work anywhere and anytime, because they can.

employmentat will

Gen Xers realize that there is no such thing as job security. So they seek career security instead.

The average Gen Xer changes jobs every eighteen months.

Source: Appelbaum, S. H., Serena, M., & Shapiro, B. T. (2004) Generation X and the boomers: Organizational myths and literary realities. Management Research News, 27(11/12), 1-28.


the e word

85Percent of HR executives who feel that millennials have a stronger sense of entitlement than older workers do.

Other words used to describe

Gen Yers










Most watched over, ever

ySol e f∅r wh√

In 1968, 18 percent of American college freshman had achieved an A average in high school.

By 2004, that figure was 48 percent.

During that same period, SAT scores decreased.

SOURCE: Twenge, J. M. (2006). Generation me: Why today’s young Americans are more confident, assertive, entitled—and more miserable than ever before. New York: Free Press.


independent spellers“ ”

Self-Esteem First.

Learning Second.


In a 2008 survey conducted by the Josephson Institute, 64 percent of high school students said they cheated on a test in the past year, and 38 percent said they cheated more than once.*

*However, 26 percent confessed to lying on the survey.

Bred for SuccessHighly educated; pressured to achieve

“Generation Y has been called the least stable generational group and the most willing to job-hop.”

Randstad, 2008 World of Work Survey, p. 27

“The money’s good. But won’t you just

downsize me, too?”

The Netter Paradox

Ron Alsop, The Trophy Kids Grow Up

“It may seem obvious that employees should show up on time, limit lunchtime to an hour, and turn off cellphones during meetings. But those basics aren’t necessarily apparent to many millennials.”

thx for the iview! i wud to work 4 u!! :)

of millennials describe their generational cohorts as having a strong work ethic

Source: Randstad



reality:“The transfer of knowledge between retiring generations of veteran workers and newer entrants to the workforce is unlikely.” Randstad

keep in mind…

One thing that hasn’t changed: Silent Generation

workers continue to value long-term job security

Boomers Crave Relevance

Baby Boomers rightfully consider themselves highly knowledgeable about how their workplaces function; although they’re willing to share that knowledge, their younger co-workers (and bosses!) seem uninterested in listening or learning.

Some Gen Xers are experiencing their third economic recession since launching their careers.

They are likely to feel “stuck” in their jobs—and be hesitant to ask for anything more. Leaders could

easily misread a Gen Xer’s silence as job satisfaction.

Recession Weary

Gen Yers want straight talk (no jargon!), ongoing feedback, encouragement, and recognition.

Give it to ‘em straight

generations allWhen selecting employers, job candidates from

are focusing less on the financial rewards and more on the values rewards.

12 years oldin 2010?


