Media evaluation question 2

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Media Evaluation

Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Whilst constructing my music magazine, I have had the intention to represent the indie/rock fan social group. This is because they are

my target audience and they will be the most likely to buy my music magazine.

I made the title very big, bold and put in to capital letters. This makes my front cover eye catching towards audiences. I also made

some of the text different colors to make it connote the indie/rock genre in the way of it being individual and unique. I used big name indie and rock bands in my cover line's to grab the attention of the

reader and draw them in to my music magazine.

Before I started the production process of my music magazine, I

sent out 20 questionnaires to Indie/Rock fans asking them

numerous questions about thing s they liked, things they didn't’t like

and what they thought represented the Indie/Rock genre. The

colors red, white, black and yellow were the most popular answers

when asked what color they thought best represented the genre. In

according to these results I have displayed a consistent scheme of

red, white, black and yellow throughout the whole production of my


When taking my pictures for my magazine, I made sure that all of

them had musical connotations attached to them or can be easily

resembled to the music industry which will help me stand out from

the competition. Also, as black was the most referred to color

linking to Rock music, I decided to have 2 of my Rock artists on my

front cover and contents page dress in black so that it helped me

attract my target audience to my magazine. The artist on my double

page spread is wearing a blue buttoned up collared shirt which is

very fashionable for the majority of Indie fans and is commonly

worn by them. He is also holding a acoustic guitar as a lot of Indie

artists like to sing acoustically such as Ed Sheeran and Jake Bugg.

I listening to my questionnaire in other departments such as the

request to have either big or a lot of pictures as this was proven to

catch their eye and draw them in to a article rather than the text

itself. As Indie is known as a independent genre and unique, I

decided to use different effects on Adobe Photoshop to help create

the background to my music magazine and to make it completely

unique to any other music magazine.

My model on my front cover is looking at the camera in a

serious way thus representing the Rock genre and achieving

direct address to the target audience. He is also holding a

electric guitar in a laid back stance which also signifies the

Rock genre. I constantly use direct address throughout my

music magazine in a total of 4 out of 6 pictures. It is very

important to grab my audiences attention to guarantee their

fixed attention on my magazine therefore giving me a better

chance of selling large quantities of my magazine.