Juno case study

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Juno case study

The film Juno directed by Jason Reitman was sent into the BBFC to authorise and confirm that the overall age range for the film should be at a PG. When later reviewing the film they turned down the applied rating PG and said that the appropriate rate for the film should be at 12A for reasons which I’m going to explain. When reading through the BBFC case study myself I agree with the rating which the BBFC have applied for Juno, it states that the specific reasons classifying the film at 12A is for the many sexual expressions single scenes which contain brief sexual acts which doesn’t show much but explains a lot in the scene.

When I watched the film I didn’t find these parts to affectionate but were too obvious with the sexual acts used especially towards kids which could watch if it was classed as a PG. Also I noticed many sexual expressions used during speech in the film for example one scene a young aged girl said “Condoms which make his balls smell like pie” the BBFC say that this quote wasn’t used in an educational gesture and is rude and doesn’t appeal to the younger generation. Also in one scene they show a clip from another old horror film ‘The Wizard Of Gore’ in the movie which contains as the title says a lot of gore blood and guts which younger kids could find it horrifying to watch if set at PG. Also the use of strong language is used a few times throughout the film for example F**k is used in the film but the BBFC say this is not offensive or aggressive because Juno says it not aiming at anyone, but there are also and gestures like Juno puts her finger up at someone in her school this is not tolerated and is taken in consideration towards age rating according to the BBFC.

In my opinion I think this language isn’t suitable for kids and would affect the rating for the film but the BBFC pass through it and find it not a problem. What could also be taken as an offence or not suitable for the viewer’s age or even gender is the fact that Juno is 17 when she gets pregnant and suddenly switches to putting the baby up to adoption this could change teenage girls minds when becoming pregnant because Juno can influence them to put the baby up for adoption or even abort the baby as scenes of abortion was used in the film and could affect teenage girls minds when becoming pregnant.