Jackie B. Peterson | The Fantastic Power of Focus

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Jackie Peterson talks about how to use focus to increase the income streams for solo pros.

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The Fantastic Power of Focus

A Presentation for IASECPMarch, 2010By Jackie B Peterson

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

What is Focus?

Concentration on only one aspect of your creative endeavors

Let go of any “Side Business” that deflects your time and attention from the work you really want to do and the creative work that you expect to support you!

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Why is it Hard to Focus

Fear Might make the wrong career choice You worry you are not “good enough” Part of your past programming says

“you’re not good enough Take path of least resistance to have

immediate money

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Why is it Hard to Focus?

As a creative you see possibilities everywhere and in everything

You love the excitement of starting things more than the hard work of building something deeper over time

Everyone you know has two or three jobs- you are sure that must be THE way to go.

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

What Happens if You Do Not Focus

You miss opportunities to do what you really want deep in your heart.

You confuse people about who you are and what you do.

You tell people you are definitely not an expert at anything.

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

How do I know what to focus on?

Probably you are good at many things But

About what are you truly passionate? At what are you really, really good? Where is there a market today? Where is there also a future market as


Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

How do I know what to focus on?

Use the exercise in Chapter 1 of my book (you can download at web site for free!) www.bettersmarterricher.com

Think about your talent very honestly. What are you REALLY good at (not just ok) where do you excel?

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

How do I know what to focus on?

Then think about what work excites you?

What do you turn to first – almost no matter what?

What are you passionate about?

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

How do I know what to focus on?

Next do some research- is there a market in this area?

Are there people making money at this?

Look to the future- does it appear that there is going to be a market here for a long time?

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved


Passion For

Makes Money

• Use a Venn Diagram to find the place where your passion, money and skill intersect.

The intersection is where you should focus your business.

Good At

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Benefits of Focus

When you focus your career, you exude clarity and certainty- others are attracted to hiring you.

With focus you narrow the competition

With focus you concentrate your efforts and attention- you get better at what you do.

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Benefits of Focus

Focus is the basis for becoming an expert and developing a niche

Focus helps you direct your time and attention – the most scarce of resources

Focus helps others refer you- they are clear about what you do.

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Does this apply to you?

Have you lost work because you have not been willing or able to choose one career path?

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Once you have a focus, create a niche

Finding your niche takes even more work

A niche is any special service you offer or any special target customer you serve

A niche makes you the “go-to” expert A “go-to” expert can command a

higher price

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Generalist vs. Specialist

Generalist is open to competition at every turn and every level

The generalist is often thought of as a commodity

Commodities are priced at the lowest possible price

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Specialist vs. Generalist

Specialist has a deep and narrow nice which drastically reduces competition

Specialist has taken time to learn the language of the niche, and all the details of that niche

Specialist becomes the expert that others are seeking

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

How to find a specialty

Think about your area of work Ask:

Is there some part of my work that very few do?

Is there something that distinguishes me from others in my craft?

Is there some trend I see forming- creating a demand that is not yet filled?

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

How to find a specialty Is there some part of my work for

which clients are willing to pay a premium?

Is there some part of my work for which there is no other expert except me?

Is there some part of my work that I love and where others refer me, and I get great satisfaction?

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Some stories of niches

Ann Woodworker Specialized in wood sash windows Found a niche in historical buildings Narrowed the niche to buildings built

before power tools Found a market with historical

preservation societies

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Some stories of niches

Lucy Photographer Children only Black & White- Film Focus on the art of the portrait Focus on fantastic presentation- frame,

matte, delivery etc.

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

Seems so Logical; What is the resistance?

Fear of letting go Fear of getting too narrow Fear of getting bored Fear of choosing wrong Fear of failure- poor research, more

competition than thought, not good enough.

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved


People understand what you do- which means they can help you find customers and projects

Marketing is much easier You can command higher prices Reduced competition Life is less stressful!!!

Jackie B Peterson www.Bettersmarterricher.com 2010 All Rights Reserved

A few more words about focus and niche:

No matter what, you cannot ever just go to sleep and stop paying attention to: Your customers, your competition or your market

Everything is in motion all the time. You must be paying attention so that you can make minor adjustments to what you do to meet market demand

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