How to Stop Getting Passed Over for Promotion at Work

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How to stop getting passed over for promotions and raises at your job using a proven step-by-step process that leads to (actual) corporate success, career advancement and a lot more money.

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How to stop getting passed over for promotions and raises at your job using a proven step-by-step process that leads to (actual) corporate success, career advancement and a lot more money.

by Farnoosh Brock

I know it sounds odd, but “work hard to get ahead” is the worst career advice anyone could give you.

It just doesn’t work.

But it’s what you do when you have no career guidance and no idea how the system really works.

Well, it turns out there is an unspoken set of rules and easy-to-follow strategies for getting promoted and getting paid extremely well at your job.

I learned the code to success at my job the hard way (by making a lot of mistakes) but I still turned things around for big rewards.

I’ll explain.

Before I do that, let me say this:

If you’re a hard-working employee, and you’re NOT getting the raises, promotions and recognition that you know you’ve earned, there is no corporate training or resource available to help you fix this particular problem.

I know because when I was in your shoes, I searched desperately for one and found none.

This is VERY frustrating, because every day you spend in the dark about this, you lose out on the money and rewards that could be yours NOW.

That's why it's so important that you take time to watch this entire training right now.

I have a very important message that nobody in career management openly talks about. You need to hear this if you want success at your corporate job.

The Simple Truth: Your co-workers who work half as hard and aren’t half as smart as you are making a fortune at your company right now! Time to figure out why you’re not one of them yet and how to change that.

The really disturbing part:

Getting passed over for promotion and raise is not only humiliating, it seriously damages ALL your future chances of getting promoted.

This made no sense until it happened to me.

Early at my job, my old management had neglected my salary for so long that my new manager could not promote me because I was so grossly underpaid!

The system flat out rejected the promotion!!!!

I was a victim of the system that betrayed me not once but twice. That’s when I knew I had to turn things around fast. And I did.

Some advice you can use right now:

Go your manager’s office and say this:“Hi [boss-name], is there anything I can do to make your job easier this week?”

And just listen.

Helping your boss achieve his objectives (not yours!) instantly shifts the odds of advancing in your favor.

That’s the first step in winning over your main gateway to success: Your Boss.

Hi, I am Farnoosh Brock. For 12 years I gave my all to a Fortune 100 tech company. I made every stupid mistake imaginable before I figured out the success system to the corporate world.

When I figured out exactly what to do to get on upper management’s radar, I leapfrogged my way into a

Leadership role with 6 figure income + visibility

+ authority + influence!

When my co-workers saw my success, they wanted my help. So I started to mentor them.

Stuff like having successful salary talks, asking for promotion the right way, creating professional “buzz” for their hard work and selling their unique brand.

When they got results that were just as good (and sometimes better) than me, I knew I had a proven roadmap for promotion and pay raises that worked.

And that’s when it hit me:

This system works!!

That is how I created Crack the Code to Get Promoted program:

A comprehensive corporate career success system that shows you all the undisclosed strategies for nailing your overdue promotion + monetary rewards in as early as 3-6 months.

3 Immediate benefits of Crack the Code:

1. You get noticed by management & leadership teams instantly. You’ll be the one to watch for promotion.

2. You stop working so hard and start creating real value at work.

3. You learn how to ask for what you want the right way. And get it!

What is in Crack the Code program?

In your Crack the Code package, you get:

- Fast downloading audio files recorded by me (17+ hrs of audio lessons) that you can listen to on the go.

- 12 action-oriented training modules that show you step-by-step process of moving up the ladder.

- Insider secrets of 25 corporate success gurus I interviewed, all simplified into the lessons so you can apply directly to your individual situation.

- Easy to implement action steps at the end of every section so that you know exactly what to do next after the lesson.

- Full transcripts of audio lessons so you can read this training if you prefer and look up key phrases by search function.

- Lifetime access to the program so you come back at each career phase and ramp up for your next level promotion.

- Exclusive access to the Crack the Code community where you’ll connect with other rising corporate stars.

But that’s not all you’re getting.

To enable you to surpass your career goals and desires, I am throwing in 4 sweet bonuses if you act now:

Bonus #1: Monthly Group Coaching Calls (Value: $2495 per year):

You get direct live coaching & mentoring from me. Plus the call recordings.

Bonus #2: Access to a private Facebook community with regular guidance and accountability check-ins. (Value: $400)

Get frequent access to me and other risingcorporate stars.

Bonus #3: The Career Master Mind Map (Value: $97):

Map out your overall career roadmap with this mind map that I use for my VIP clients.

Bonus #4: The 10 Minute Invigorator Program (Value: $37):

Stay energized and motivated with my popular 10 Minute Invigorator program so you blast through the modules!

How is this program delivered?

- As a virtual class in a private members area.- Live group coaching calls over phone or computer.- No physical material shipped to you.

You won’t need any special equipment for using this in-depth career training. The computer you are reading this page on is fine.

Still here? Then whatever you have tried so far hasn’t worked.

You’re ready to get the knowledge that shows you the corporate success system and gives you real answers.

Crack the Code to Get Promoted program shows you the step-by-step proven system to turn your career around and get promoted

in as early as 3-6 months.

If you’re an action taker and don’t want to waste another minute sabotaging your advancement, click the registration link below

Since Crack the Code went live, I’ve received solid success stories that surprised even me. In a good way.

Tom’s value went up after starting the program:

“I’ve always been a hard worker, doing everything my boss told me to do, I even went back to get my MBA. But I always hit limits. I could never get recognized or promoted while lazier people kept getting ahead!

The course taught me exactly what I needed to change to start succeeding and when I finally got it, things got a lot easier, and I started succeeding faster with a lot less effort. Most shocking part was that my adversaries started to like me and support me. My value just went up!”

J.C. got promoted twice in 5 months:

“I have accepted a new job with my current employer as a manager. This is exciting because I was promoted just five months ago, and here is another one. My skills and talents will be better utilized in this new role. I definitely learned from past mistakes and have appreciated your resources.”

Clint got the biggest promotion & raise - see his public tweet about it:

Before sharing the next stories, please note:

Crack the Code isn’t your average “career management” or “leadership” course.

This is not the kind of program your company sends you to hear fluff like:

“Dress well! Go above & beyond! Let the work speak for itself!”

This is the program that tells you the secrets that the guy 3 levels above you and with 5 years less experience used to leapfrog there.

Your company won’t teach you what he did to get promoted ...

… but I tell you everything he did in my program so YOU can go a whole lot further.

Ursula Hairston, a Human Resources Director, on what you don’t know:

“This program gives real insight from the views of managers, directors, and human resources professionals who will not, and sometimes cannot, tell you exactly why what you are doing isn’t working.”

Crack the Code applies to corporate anywhere, not just America. Chet from the UK said this:

I wish I had this course when I first started my career. A lot of it is common sense but it’s not obvious until you hear it. I’m now more mindful how I come across to my managers and it’s proving useful. Now I am getting opportunities that are coming to me! Without asking for them! And they’re in line with exactly what I want to do. So people are finally realizing my value. I had high expectations of the course but it’s exceeded those.

Risk-Free 30-Day 100% Guarantee:

Listen, I stand behind my program 100%. I’ve assumed all the risk here by giving you a 30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee.

Here’s how the guarantee works:

If you’re not sure or later find out this is not the right program for you, I will immediately refund you for up to 30 days.

No questions. No hard feelings.

How much will you pay for Crack the Code to Get Promoted?

On average, my clients invest $3185 to work with me using the systems I have laid out in this program.

I charge $385 an hour for private coaching. At 17+ hour of audio lessons, plus frequent access to me, this course has more than $6500 value!

But you won’t be paying anything near $6500 when you take my Crack the Code to Get Promoted program because I know that’s not affordable.

You won’t be paying $5000.

Or $3000.

Or even $2000 for it.

I had initially settled on $1500 as a really fair price.

Even if you ONLY used the training to improve your career for the next 9 months alone, that’d still be LESS than a cup of coffee a day.

But I decided to give you a no-brainer offer so that it’s extremely affordable and accessible.

Right now you can have the entire program with lifetime access for:

ONLY $1500 $697 When you follow the system I teach you, you’ll make more than triple (3X!) your money back after your first raise alone.

Customers who followed the program have made their money back more than 5x over by adding a minimum of:

A $4000 raise in income in the first year.

But this offer won’t be available for long.

If you want in, register below for one-time payment of $697 before price goes up to normal price of $

Can’t pay it all at once?

I don’t want logistics to get in the way of your impending corporate success, so I’ve made this even easier.

I’ve set up a payment plan you can use:

ONLY 4 easy monthly payments of $187 (total $748)

I’ve decided to give you immediate full access on good faith alone after your FIRST PAYMENT.Click on the Payment Plan option below now:

It may not be for you. That’s true.

This program isn’t for everyone. If you’re being recognized and rewarded at work, if you’re getting regular promotions with healthy salary increases, if you’re in the inner circle and your company takes good care of you, you don’t need this program.

But if you haven’t been promoted or gotten a raise in the last 9-12 months, if your boss avoids the topic or gives you the runaround, this program is exactly what you need to set things right.You need to take the RIGHT steps before your window of opportunity for success closes for good.

Still on the fence?

I know how you feel but hesitation won’t get you any closer to raise & promotion!Beware this Corporate Myth: Getting recognized or promoted is out of reach for you because you are not someone “special”.

That’s the scarcity mindset that keeps real talent (YOU!) from reaching the level of compensation & reward that you’ve earned.

Stop getting in your own way to success.

Nobody is “blocking” your success so why would you?

Think this won’t apply to you?

News: Your situation isn’t unique!

Whether you’re an individual contributor looking to get to the next level, or a mid-level manager who wants get unstuck and be well rewarded, or a rising a C-level executive...

Corporate advancement principles are the SAME everywhere.

But if you don’t know them, you may think something is wrong with you. Just let Crack the Code teach you the winning system. You’ve earned it!

If you ignore the problem and do nothing, that’s what you get for the rest of your career:

NOTHING. You will continue

to stay behind while others less qualified than you get ahead.

Stop missing out on your own career success!

Click the link below to register

I’ll see you in the course!
