How to choose the right career coaching centre

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If you think you need the help of a life or career coach to guide you as you build or rebuild your career, but don’t have the time to attend coaching classes, you should consider taking online coaching sessions. There are a lot of coaching centres online that offer various forms of coaching where you can choose the one that will fit whatever plans you have for your future.

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Cosmic Coaching Centre Corporate & Individual Career Solutions for Mid-Level Professionals & Executives

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If you think you need the

help of a life or career

coach to guide you as

you build or rebuild your

career, but don’t have

the time to attend

coaching classes, you should consider taking online

coaching sessions. There are a lot of coaching centres

online that offer various forms of coaching where you

can choose the one that will fit whatever plans you

have for your future.

Interestingly, you may also decide depending on

whether you want to get a degree or just a certificate

in order to earn enough credits in that field. For

instance, you can earn a certificate in life coaching,

which you can later on use to start a life coaching


The very first step you should take as you search for a

reliable coaching centre online is to determine first

what kind of coaching you need. If, for instance, you

are considering working to help other people to

reach their goals in life, a course in life coaching may

be what you need. Meanwhile, if your plan is to offer

assistance to corporate executives as they go for their

business goals, you may as well choose a course on

executive coaching. In short, you should choose the

coaching certificate to pursue based on your own

long term goals.

You will find a lot of choice in terms of online

coaching classes or sessions. As you search online,

take into consideration the accreditation of the

centre itself and the program. By choosing an

accredited coaching program, you can rest assured

that the program has passed the standards set by

certified organizations.

Aside from the accreditation of the coaching centre,

you may also want to look at the recent result of their

programs. You may ask for the names of their

previous students or clients just so you may verify

the quality of the training they are offering.

The experience of the coaches in a centre is another

important aspect to look into. You would want to be

under the training of a certified and experienced

coach, of course. In general, the ideal length of

combined experience of a center’s coaches is

between 2 and 3 years. It is not a good idea to enroll

in a newly built institute because you should not

allow yourself to become an experiment for a trial

coaching session. Keep in mind that your life coach

will be the one to help you design your career and

will have important input on how you should run

your life.

A career coach can

simply be a colleague

of yours who is

generous enough to

share with you

everything he or she

knows about the

industry you are both in and to help you make smart

decisions and choices in your career. More

commonly, though, a career coach or mentor is a

professional whose services are needed by those who

need assistance in making effective decisions for

their careers.

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Before you look for the best career coaching centre

that will serve your needs, you need to know first

what a career coach exactly does. This will help you

as you compare the different styles of mentors you

will choose from.

Assessing a Mentee

Every single worker has their own motivation, so it is

important for a career mentor to assess his mentee’s

skills, personality, and career goals. This should then

be used as the basis for developing a plan that is

specific to the kind of professional the subject is. As a

student or a mentee, you could be one that has

difficulty finding motivation; you may also be a high

performer and you want to take your career a level

higher; or you may just be someone who wants to be

successful but you don’t know how to reach your

goals. Your potential mentor should take the time to

know who you are before any coaching should take


Career Coaching Plan

A good career coach will show you his or her plans

for you. A career coaching plan involves evaluating

your weaknesses and strengths as a professional,

while at the same time determining the many

opportunities for your personal development and

career growth.

Such type of plan might include pursuing higher

education, development of your professional skills, as

well as building your self confidence. Once you look

at the plan made by your mentor, you should have a

clear idea of where the mentoring is directed


Goal Setting and Measurements

It is not enough that a career coach lays down a plan

for how you are going to achieve your career goals. It

is important for a mentor to have a plan on how he or

she is going to keep communication with you.

Constant interaction and follow up is an essential

part of any mentoring relationship.

A good career coach would check up on you on a

regular basis just to make sure that you are following

every step detailed in your career pathways or plan.

Should you fall behind, it is the responsibility of your

coach to give you enough motivation again to keep

you going. In fact, the relationship that you have with

your career coach should last until you have

successfully reached your career goals.

Searching for a job is

one of the biggest

challenges that every

worker has to deal with

once or several times in

his working life. If you

are currently holding an

executive position in your company but are still

wondering if there’s something better out there that

you can explore, well you will be glad to know that

there are a lot of great and high paying jobs around

that are just not advertised.

Many companies are using professional headhunting

agencies to look for the most qualified candidates

around. This is why any career coaching centre

would encourage their clients to target headhunters

instead. Thus, if you are seriously considering finding

another employment, you have to get the attention of

headhunters. Here’s how you can do it.

Start Preparing Now. Although you are not yet

physically and actively searching for another job,

don’t think that it is way too early to make your

preparations for your job search. You will never

know when an opportunity to meet a headhunter will

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come your way. If you prepare the things you need

for applying for another job ahead of time, then you

can take advantage of every chance you will get when

you have contact with any headhunting firm.

Stay Impressive in Your Current Position. Even if

you have a plan to eventually part ways with your

current employer, this is not a reason for you to relax

and pay less attention to your efficiency.

Headhunters are always around observing how

people perform in their jobs. So when it’s time to

move on, you will not have a difficult time trying to

build your reputation.

Get Noticed. Although it is vital that you perform well

in your present position, there are other things you

should do to ensure that headhunters are aware of

your great qualities as a professional. You can do this

by taking part in conferences related to your

expertise. If you are asked to be a speaker

representing your company, this is a big boost to

your chances of attracting a headhunting firm.

Get in Touch with Headhunters Directly. Of course

it is always recommended that you contact a

headhunting firm directly. Make a request to include

you in their database. This process will be like

approaching a potential employer. Be polite and give

them many reasons why you should be part of their

list of qualified candidates.

Create a Good LinkedIn Profile. There is no doubt

that companies are making use of social media to

look for skilled workers and executive personnel.

Whether you are staying in the same industry or

planning a career change perhaps, coming up with a

targeted and professional LinkedIn profile will boost

your chances of getting noticed by headhunters and

even employers themselves.
