History of My life- the mysterios man,,Elton John Embodo

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Elton John B. Embodo

My Life History

• At the dawn of September 21, 1995. The mysterious baby boy was born. He was given a name by his mother from her mother’s favorite singer in United Kingdom “Elton John”. That’s why my name is Elton John. Before I lived in Bag-ong Argao, Molave Zamboanga del Sur. And I spent my childhood years there. I lived with my complete and happy family. Though sometimes we can’t avoid problems.

• I spent my Elementary years in Bag-ongArgao Elementary School. I was 3rd honor in grade 1 and 2nd honor in grade 2. I was in the top 10 in grade 3, 9th in grade 4, 7th in grade 5 and supposedly 7th during in our graduation in Grade 6 but sadly I wasn’t given an award. I don’t know why and it hurts me so much until now when I remember that moment in my life.

My Elementary years

• As they said high school is the best period in life but for me it is not.

When I was in first year. I was afraid because of new faces and attitudes to be encountered. But sooner I used to

mingle with my new classmates. I had many friends unexpectedly. I

tried to be in the top 10 of the class but I was failed to do it because of

some instances.

My High

School Years

• I tried again when I was in second year and successfully I was the 3rd honor. My family decided to transfer here in Tangub City but I did not accompany with them. I preferred to stay in Molave. I was a working student there. I continued my career as an honor student. I then became the 3rd honor in 3rd year. My mother told me that it’s better to be a valedictorian in fourth year but God made me as a salutatorian I’m still grateful to Him.


• At present, I’m studying here in Gov.

Alfonso D. Tan College taking up Bachellor

of Science in Secondary Education major in

Mathematics. I also have many friends and

close friends. I’m happy because I

experience what is college. At this time I’m

very busy during this final examination of

2nd semester in complying all the

requirements of my subjects.

Girls• Nova

• Analyn

• Jane

• Karen

• Madelyn

• Stephanie

• Christ

• Renalyn

• Cheriza

Boys• Jay

• Khen

• Dave

• Diosdado

• Mike

• Jeonard

• John Ricky

• Erwin

• Jayper

• Ponciano, Flordelina, Evony, Oliver, Hazel Gay, Kenneth Rey, JanjessaJeirah, Nerie, Semo, Ailyn, Nyjun, Turnino, Eliza,

My Likes

• Attitues• Industrious

• Courteous

• Generous

• Humble

• Honest

• Caring

• Polite





• I am with you and will watch

you wherever you go, and I

will bring back to this land. I

will not leave you until I have

done what I have promised


• Man does not live on bread alone but on

every word that comes from the

mouth of God.
