Hiring or Applying for a Creative Position?

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Here’s What You Need to Know

Competition for top creative talent is intense. Whether you’re looking to fill a job opening or land work, here’s what you’re up against.


Average number of resumes advertising and marketing executives receive for an open creative position (up from 23 in 2014)

Average number of candidates interviewed before a creative position is filled(up from 6 in 2014)

Average number of weeks it takes to fill an open staff-level creative position

Average number of weeks it takes to fill an open management-level creative position

of advertising and marketing executives said they are now more willing to look outside their city or state to find the right person for a creative role than they were three years ago.

For Hiring Managers

Pinpoint your needs.

Talk to colleagues about what skills and experience are required for the role. Then create a compelling job description.

Ask for assistance.

A specialized recruiter can help connect you with great talent and take care of many hiring headaches, like filtering through resumes and setting up interviews.



For Job Seekers

Explore your options.

Research what opportunities are available and interesting to you, and consider working with a specialized recruiter for help finding the right fit.

Put your best resume forward.

To be one of the “lucky 7” candidates selected for an interview, make sure your resume and portfolio are tailored to the potential employer.



It’s interview time! You’re one step closer to landing the candidate or job you seek. Keep these stats in mind when going through this stage.


Executives and workers were asked, “Which of the following is your preferred way to communicate with job candidates/employers throughout the hiring process?”



Email Phonecall



Executives were asked, “When evaluating a candidate for an open creative position, which carries more weight: hard skills or soft skills?”

Much greater weight on hard skills

Don’t know

Much greater weight on soft skills

Somewhat greater weight on soft skills

Somewhat greater weight on hard skills

Equal weight on hard and soft skills

TIPS For Hiring Managers

1 Get on the fast track.

Top talent won’t wait around during a prolonged hiring process. Move quickly when interviewing and putting together an offer once you come across a strong candidate.

2 Keep in touch.

More than half of workers surveyed by Robert Half said the most frustrating part of the job search is waiting to hear back post-interview. Email or call your top picks to update them on the progress of their application.

For Job Seekers

Plan ahead.

If you’re invited to an interview, familiarize yourself with the company and be prepared to discuss what you can bring to the team. Showcase technical and soft skills.

Interview the employer.

When meeting with hiring managers, ask about the company’s long-term goals, career development opportunities and workplace culture. This will help you determine if the organization will be a good fit.



Congratulations! You’ve reached your destination – but you still need to seal the deal. Consider this information when making a final decision on a new hire or job offer.


Executives were asked, ”When extending a job offer to a top candidate, how willing are you to negotiate compensation?”

Very willing

Somewhat willing

Not at all willing

Don’t know/ no answer

Not verywilling

Workers were asked, “If you feel you deserve a higher salary, are you more likely to ...?”

Ask for a raise from your current employer

Search for a new job that offers more pay

Do nothing and hope that you’ll get a raise in the next review cycle

Not applicable – I amcurrently satisfied with my pay 13%



TIPS For Hiring Managers

1 Be competitive.

Offering an attractive salary package is a must when it comes to recruiting top talent. Research current industry standards and compensation trends using resources like The Creative Group Salary Guide.

2 Up the appeal.

Show you support career development and work-life balance by providing non-monetary perks like ongoing training opportunities, alternative schedules and generous vacation time.

For Job Seekers

Do your research.

Review salary surveys and talk to recruiters to determine your market value and avoid underselling or overselling yourself.

Have a backup plan.

If pay isn’t up for discussion, consider other things you may be able to negotiate, like a flexible schedule, additional vacation days or subsidized training.


