Final major project proposal form

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Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre

BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Unit 4: Final Major Project Proposal Form

Media Format (film, documentary, motion graphics, photography, animation, graphic design etc)

For my final major project I will produce a promotional documentary for a local indoor skate park business. This will include various interviews with the local athletes who will describe the specifications of the facility and how/ why they do what they’re doing to date.

Synopsis of Idea (content, narrative, genre)

This style of documentary is unique in the way that not many videos exist of this particular style, so I think that making this video would be easier than any other theme because it suits my personality and can be made around my out of college hobbies. Also if successful the video can be put onto the skate park (Beast Rampz) website which can promote the skate parks business and my college work.

Target Audience? (demographic NOT age range)

The target audience for the plan based on my idea will be for people who are interested in action sports. The people that would mainly be watching the video would be both genders whoever is interested in any action sports which are contained in the skate park. It could also be aimed in a demographic way for the parents of some people could research the skate park and by watching this video it will include all the information and arrange of photography shots, this will tell them everything they will need to know about the skate park e.g. Where it’s based, postcode and telephone numbers and other essential information.

How will your project meet the needs of your target audience?

It will include styles of a range of sports from Scooter riding, BMXing and skateboarding. It may also contain sports which aren’t so popular and this video will promote that sport to evolve it into something bigger. Another way the video could meet its target audience is by using both male and female genders in the video, Beast Rampz have both genders trying all different sports and this video can show that both boys and girls can enjoy a range of extreme sports which they didn’t know existed.

What production techniques will you use to realise your project?

The production techniques I will use to produce my final major project will involve equipment, location requirements, cast which will be featured and dates for filming. The equipment I will be using will either be the Nikon 600D or a Canon camera, also people who involved in the video will help me out with bits which can’t be hired from college. For example Beast Rampz can provide me with a slide gear dolly for smoother shots when filming, and also a featured person in my video is also a college student for photography so she could help provide equipment to make my documentary as professional as possible.

Lewis Dunn Final Major Project Proposal
