"Ensure Today's Career Move Future Proofs You For Tomorrow's Job Market."

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Your Local Partner Worldwide



Matthew Lewis, Partner – Middle East and North Africa, Boyden Middle East, Chief Alchemist, Alchemy Executive Coaching

Your Local Partner WorldwideWHAT HAS CHANGED?

• Boyden World Corporation receives over 100,000 executive CVs per annum and globally hires around 3,500 senior executives for the world’s leading companies therefore we have global insight into what is trending in the global job search market.

• The world of work is changing and therefore your approach to your next job search, career move or promotion will have to adapt.

• In 1994 – we would receive maybe 20-50 hardcopy CVs by post a week and on average of 1 minute reading each one.

• In 2004 - I used to received 50-100 email CVs a week and average would spend 10-15 seconds scanning each one.

• In 2014 – we receive 50 linkedin requests a day, 20 CVs a day via email and spent less time reviewing CVs (less than 5 seconds) and now maybe up to 2-3 hours a day reviewing and assessing passive candidates online. Most CV and profile scanning and candidate due diligence is now done online.

Therefore what do you need to do to stand out from the crowd!

Your Local Partner WorldwideCV ESSENTIALS

• Make sure you include:

• Contact Details • Your chronological work history• Your qualifications and schools• Your employer, past and present • Your language skills and level of attainment • Have a transferable skills summary appendix• Include genuine areas of expertise and uniqueness

• What is no longer essential or relevant:

• Your age or date or birth (US and UK not required by law)• Your biography or executive profile • Exam results or your lesser qualifications• Anything before the last 10 years relevant experience

“Think about and communicate what makes you unique!”

Your Local Partner WorldwideWHAT IS NEW FOR YOUR CV

Minimum requirements to future proof your CV

•Ensure that your Executive CV includes a concise description of each employer, or at least a hyperlink with the website address for ease and speed. Its is now an online document and therefore more flexible in Word with links than a PDF. •Ensure that your include not only your job title, but your MAIN responsibilities and more importantly your MAIN achievements•List as many projects as possible with outcomes in financial terms of improvements in profits, sales, ROI etc. •Tailor the details of content for the length and scope of role, 5 years in a positions justifies more than 4 lines in your CV.

New for 2015

•Include the link to your linkedin profile and if professional your twitter address. •Include any experience on board of directors, articles in the press, conference speaking engagements or special awards or achievements. •Your online CV, Brand, Reputation and presence has for the first time become more important than your resume.

Your Local Partner WorldwideLINKEDIN - Your Billboard

Make sure you include:

• Your Photo (Professional ONLY, not facebook)• Your chronological work history• A detailed profile with aspirations• Your employers, past and present • Your language skills and level of attainment • Have a transferable skills summary appendix• Include genuine areas of expertise and uniqueness

Your Local Partner Worldwide YOUR ONLINE REPUTATION

Does your CV or Resume reflect your personal brand ?

Does your online brand and presence reflect your personal brand and CV?

• Think of your online presence of a huge billboard advertising all the time what you have done and what you are doing.

• Your online reputation is not what you think of yourself but consists of what other think of you or perceive you as.

• Think of your resume as a fashion statement, and a statement of individuality, your chance to differentiate and stand out from the crowd.

• In this respect your combination of skills and experience should be unique.

Your Local Partner Worldwide

• Don’t forget that you job search is now not only multi dimensional in terms of what is required by companies, and is being assessed but also multi channel in terms of your route to market and how others may be assessing you.

