Denmark Green Card Scheme - Eligibility and Requirements

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Denmark Green Card Scheme


What is Denmark Green Card Scheme?

Denmark Green Card Scheme allows its holder to reside and work in Denmark.

A residence and work permit under this Scheme is given to an applicant taking into account some important criteria used to evaluate him/her.

If a residence permit is obtained under Denmark green card scheme, there is no need to again apply for and seek a work permit.

This is because the holder of a residence permit is allowed to work under Denmark green card scheme.

Denmark Green Card Eligibility

It is considered for a residence permit of the Danish green card scheme, the applicant must attain a minimum of 100 points under Denmark Green Card Points Calculator.

Eligibility Points are awarded for: ‘educational level’, ‘language skills’, ‘work experience’, ‘adaptability’, and ‘age’.

Also, the applicant must have full health insurance which covers himself/ herself, until the time he/she is covered by Denmark health insurance system.

Denmark Green Card Requirements

Under the this requirements adaptability criterion, an applicant to the Danish green card scheme gets points for his/her educational or work related attachment to the EU/EEA or Switzerland.

This is so, as this attachment is seen to increase an applicant’s ability to adapt to or when living in Denmark.

Denmark Green Card Information

Under Denmark Green Card Information age criterion, points are awarded for the applicant’s age.

Thus, the younger the applicant for Denmark green card schema is, the more number of points he/she is awarded.

Denmark Green Card Points Calculator

To acquire this Denmark green card every one should have the basic knowledge on points.

To know this click on Denmark Green Card points calculator 2014.


To Settle and work in Denmark under Denmark green card scheme fill out our Quick Enquiry Form one of Denmark Green Card Consultant executive will get back to you.

Contact us on Toll Free

