5 reasons why the resume will never die

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The Resume Will Never Die“Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”

- Mark Twain

5 reasons why the resume will never die.

Resumes are the only consistent candidate profile

•Employers don’t have time to look at hundreds of different profiles for the initial Yes/No screen

•A resume is a standardized format that gets key information across quickly

•Employers can process resumes much faster than a combination of multiple online profiles

1“Are résumés dead? Are there going to be résumés in our future and what does that look like? I certainly don’t think they’re dead; they’re still here, they are going to be here for a while.”

- Lisa Kramer, Director of Campus Recruiting at RBC

Source: Is the Resume Dead? The Globe and Mail.

Resumes are THE first impression

•No matter how good your introduction is, the hiring manager will want to see a resume first

•Your resume decides gets employers interested in your other online profiles

• Only candidates who pass the initial resume screen will get a second look


Employers use Applicant Tracking Systems

•Applicant tracking is used by 90% of the Fortune 500, and millions of small businesses

•Resumes are the main input into an applicant tracking system

• Resume data is easily searchable and comparable when dealing with high volumes

3“Ed Struzik, an International Business Machines Corp. expert on the systems, puts the proportion of large companies using them in the “high 90%” range, and says it would “be very rare to find a Fortune 500 company without one.” - Wall Street Journal

Source: Your Resume Vs Oblivion. The Wall Street Journal

You’ll still need a paper resume.

•You can’t pull out your phone in an interview and show someone your Instagram photos

•The paper resume is the reference point for many interview questions

•An attractive paper resume can help you further stand-out from other candidates

4“Although applicants rarely mail in résumés these days, the job search isn’t going paperless. In fact, experts say, a paper résumé can make or break a bid for a job.”

- Wall Street Journal

Source: Is the paper resume dead? The Wall Street Journal

Resumes won’t be replaced, but supplemented

•Of all the businesses in North America, 0 have eliminated the resume

•Resumes do need to be supplemented by additional online profiles and proof

•These supplements are not replacements, but additions

•No matter how you approach your job search, at one stage in the process a resume will be necessary


The resume will never die.

But you do need more than just a resume to land your dream job.

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