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Civil Rights Advocacy:Support and tools for victims

of discrimination and civil rights violations

(Representative image here)

Policy & Research: Expert testimony,

consultation and training for leaders and legislators

(Link to profile sub-page here)

Education: Programs and strategies for educators, administrators,

students, activists and more

(Representative image here)

Featured News8/15: "The Challenge of Traffic Stop Data Collection”

Last Thur: WNESU Diversity Equity

First Wed: WSESU Diversity Equity

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Call today for help: (802) 254-2972

All people are created equal.

Our society is built on the idea of basic fairness. All people should have pride in their identities, and the same chance for a happy, successful life.

But basic fairness isn’t assured. It takes hard work and vigilance from all of us, working as partners for a fairer Vermont that recognizes diversity makes us all stronger.

If you need help, or if you want to help, we’re here.

Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity 214 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Disclaimer Site map

[For the people of Vermont we work to strengthen fairness and diversity… lead-in to the VPFD “Mission Statement” .]

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Strategies to thrive

Facing change

Compliance Training

Civil Rights Advocacy:Harassment toolkit

Policy & Research:“Facing change in VT”

Education:Training/Capacity building

How to get involved

Strategies to thrive


Call today for help: (802) 254-2972

Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity 214 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Disclaimer Site map

[For the people of Vermont we work to strengthen fairness and diversity… lead-in to the VPFD “Mission Statement” .]

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Image of Jeannette White here

Jeannette White: Why VPF&D

Her contact with Vermont Partnership: why she feels the organization is important; what has been the extent of her relationship with VPF&D; what has she seen it accomplish for the Windham county community.

Her contact with Vermont Partnership: why she feels the organization is important; what has been the extent of her relationship with VPF&D; what has she seen it accomplish for the Windham county community.

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Call today for help: (802) 254-2972

Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity 214 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Disclaimer Site map

WHAT WE DO… “…in our communities by eliminating prejudice and discrimination of all kinds.” [Continuation of VPFD “Mission Statement”]

Quick Links*How to get involved

Strategies to thrive

Facing change

Compliance Training

Civil Rights Advocacy:Harassment toolkit

Policy & Research:“Facing change in VT”

Education:Training/Capacity building

How to get involved

Strategies to thrive

Fairness in an increasingly diverse Vermont is only possible when we work to ensure it on every level: On the personal level, we help individuals learn about and advocate for their rights. On the community level, we work with local and state government to craft policies that fairly include all Vermonters. And via education, we share insights with teachers and students across Vermont to help us all learn how to thrive together.

Civil Rights Advocacy – We offer free and confidential access to information on civil rights and the tools to use and understand them. Request our Harassment and Discrimination Complainant Toolkit. READ MORE - link.

Policy & Research – WE assist government, social service and civic leadership understand the challenges related to and seize the inherent opportunities present in the current demographic shift to a more multiracial, multiethnic and multilingual Vermont. READ MORE - link.

Education – We create educational programs and learning environments to acquire strategies and skills that are increasingly necessary in our interdependent world.  Our core program delivers multicultural education programs, and offers post-secondary school scholarship aid research. READ MORE – link.

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Call today for help: (802) 254-2972

Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity 214 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Disclaimer Site map

[Continuation of VPFD “Mission Statement” screened back and positioned here.]


Name (Link).


Quick Links*How to get involved

Strategies to thrive

Facing change

Compliance Training

Civil Rights Advocacy:Harassment toolkit

Policy & Research:“Facing change in VT”

Education:Training/Capacity building

How to get involved

Strategies to thrive

The Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity is a statewide, non-profit organization based in Brattleboro that is open to all people who care about building a more inclusive and equitable Vermont.  Founded in 1993 as ALANA Community Organization by Naima K. Wade and her daughter Taina Rodriguez to help diffuse racial tension at Brattleboro High School, we have grown in reach and scope from a localized group into a social justice advocacy organization focused on creating positive change across Vermont.

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Name (Link).


Name (Link).


Name (Link).


Name (Link).


Name (Link).


Name (Link).


Name (Link).


Name (Link).


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Call today for help: (802) 254-2972

Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity 214 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Disclaimer Site map

[Continuation of VPFD “Mission Statement” screened back and positioned here.]


Quick Links*How to get involved

Strategies to thrive

Facing change

Compliance Training

Civil Rights Advocacy:Harassment toolkit

Policy & Research:“Facing change in VT”

Education:Training/Capacity building

How to get involved

Strategies to thrive

Services: Our Civil Rights Advocacy service seeks to improve interaction and communication skills between parents and school personnel... READ MORE - link.

Educators: Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity provides Vermont residents and entities that represent or service their needs with the benefits …READ MORE - link.

Community Residents: Works with victims filing discrimination complaints in the areas of education, employment, housing, law enforce... READ MORE - link.

Business Organizations: Sharpen institutional awareness, skills, policies, resources, , images, etc. to better serve Vermont’s diverse… READ MORE - link.

Home Programs & Services Resources Contact UsAbout UsWhat we do

Today, our work stretches from support for individuals affected by bias and discrimination, to resources and training in Vermont classrooms, to the Vermont statehouse. Whatever your level of interest, we invite you to join us in assuring a fairer Vermont for all, that celebrates our growing diversity.

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A world of online resources exists to assist every kind of person with questions or concerns about rights and business issues related to ethnicity, gender, health, and more. If you don’t see what you’re looking for here, contact us. We’ll be happy to help.

African American Links – [Link to vertical interest sub-page]

Arab-American Links – [Link to vertical interest sub-page]

Asian-American Links – [Link to vertical interest sub-page]

Diversity Education – [Link to vertical interest sub-page]

Multicultural Learning – [Link to vertical interest sub-page]

Health-related Learning – [Link to vertical interest sub-page]

HIV/AIDS Information – [Link to vertical interest sub-page]

Native American Links – [Link to vertical interest sub-page]

Multiracial / Ethnic Links – [Link to vertical interest sub-page]

Minority Business Information - [Link to vertical interest sub-page]

Call today for help: (802) 254-2972

Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity 214 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Disclaimer Site map

[Continuation of VPFD “Mission Statement” screened back and positioned here.]


Quick Links*How to get involved

Strategies to thrive

Facing change

Compliance Training

Civil Rights Advocacy:Harassment toolkit

Policy & Research:“Facing change in VT”

Education:Training/Capacity building

How to get involved

Strategies to thrive

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Choose from the options below to link to many resources related to the African American community:

Everythingblack.com - is an Internet directory and search engine of websites specifically targeted to African American and Black persons worldwide. www.everythingblack.com/

The Black World Today - A collective of journalists, writers, artists, communicators and entrepreneurs who have banded together to use the information revolution as one means towards the overall empowerment of Black people in the United States and around the world. http://www.tbwt.com/

Black Voices - African American culture and community news at AOL Blackvoices. African American family, health and entertainment from AOL Black Voices. www.blackvoices.com/

The BlackWebPortal - is a black search engine or blacksearch engine or is a black web portal, black directory, or black yellow page system that is ...www.blackwebportal.com/

Call today for help: (802) 254-2972

Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity 214 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Disclaimer Site map

[Continuation of VPFD “Mission Statement” screened back and positioned here.]

RESOURCES – African American links

Quick Links*How to get involved

Strategies to thrive

Facing change

Compliance Training

Civil Rights Advocacy:Harassment toolkit

Policy & Research:“Facing change in VT”

Education:Training/Capacity building

How to get involved

Strategies to thrive

Home Programs & Services Resources Contact UsAbout UsWhat we do

Donate Search








Call today for help: (802) 254-2972

Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity 214 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Disclaimer Site map

[Continuation of VPFD “Mission Statement” screened back and positioned here.]

Contact Us

Here’s how to get in touch with us.

By phone: (802)-254-2972

By fax: (802) 254-0075

By mail: 214 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301-2843

Directions: - Get directions from Google-Maps. (LINK)

What type of assistance are you seeking? (check all that apply)

Education programs:



Hiring discrimination:


Public access:

Compliance training:

Parent advocate:

Cultural competency:

Discrimination assistance:


Home Programs & Services Resources Contact UsAbout UsWhat we do

Donate Search

If you care about assuring fairness and promoting diversity for all people in Vermont, you can back our work right now, and become a Vermont Partner with a financial donation in any amount. Thank you for your support.

DonateNow is an online donation processing service for nonprofits to accept credit card gifts on the Web. The coset is $29.95/month, 3% of donation and a one-time $199 set-up fee.

DonateNow is an affordable and customizable online fundraising service.

* A customized donation page that is identical to the website

* No merchant account required

* Change the configuration of the page locally, 24/7, online

* Arrange to automatically send customized tax receipts

* 24 hour access to donor information, plus easy download into donor database

* Donations can be wired to a bank account monthly

To view, go to http://www1.networkforgood.org/for-nonprofits/fundraising/donatenow

Call today for help: (802) 254-2972

Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity 214 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Disclaimer Site map

[Continuation of VPFD “Mission Statement” screened back and positioned here.]

Donate – See Donate for Good

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