Your Roadmap To Business Success


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Where are you from?

What business are you currently running or desire to run?

Your Roadmap To Online Success!

What you will learn:1. The power of planning –

this is a mindset shift for sure!

2. Goals are great, but without a solid plan they will be impossible to reach.

3. Killer market analysis that will help create amazing products that your clients will love you for.

4. Key tools to set you up for success!

Let’s get laser focused!

Your Powerhouse Plan Includes:

• Daily tasks• Look big picture – 6

months+• Break that big picture

up into smaller parts – 3months or less.

• Launch schedule (Sept of prior yr)

• Affiliate schedule (3-6months)

• Editorial calendar (3-6 months)

Do you have a daily ritual or

routine for planning?

Block Timing!

• Start with your most important tasks…

• Break projects down into smaller tasks and assign a certain amount of time for each task.

• Have a visual reminder like a calendar with colored blocked time or a timer. Pomodoro Technique

• Schedule breaks!!!• Limit or avoid all

together anything and everything that will interfere with your block timing goals.

• Your working environment matters:• Quiet• Clean• Organized

Block Timing:• Break your day into

blocks• Creative time• Research time• Rest time• Client contact time

Play Time Creative



Client Time

Tools to stay focused!

Block Timing!

Block Timing!


Block Timing!

What is one goal you have for 2016?

• Be realistic• Your goals should

motivate you – write your WHY to each goal you set.

• Your goals should be S.M.A.R.T.• Specific• Measurable• Attainable• Relevant• Time Bound

• Write it and share it• Create an action plan• Stick with it• Change it, if it no

longer aligns with your long-term vision.

Block Timing!

Have you ever done a comprehensive market analysis?

• Step one – Define your client and their greatest struggle.

• Step two – Speak to your ideal client

• Step three – Reach out to people in your industry.

• Step four – Listen, evaluate, and implement product development.

How To Perform A Killer Market Analysis

• Primary Research: Interview your ideal client; needs, life, demands etc.

• Secondary Research: Competitors – peers.

Primary Markey Analysis: The Client

• Find your ideal client on social media, the gym, church, soccer field.

• Once identified – interview

• Analyze the information• Always follow-up with a

thank you gift/note. If you have freemium, share it with them.

Secondary Research: Peers

• Online search for competitors/peers.

• Direct competitors/peers.

• Tangential competitors/peers

• Follow them, engage, join their email lists, read their blogs.

• Analyze their offer

• Document: Evaluate you versus your Peer• What sets you a

part?• How are you aligned?• Are there things that

stood out in their branding or their copy?

• What are some things you would like to emulate in your services?

Tools for success!

What are some tools that have helped you

in your business?

We have a plethora of things to manage

Everything we do requires a succinct system.

Knowing how to manage and plan is key.

The online space if forever changing so education and staying current is critical.

Did you know that 90% of internet

start-up businesses fail within the first

120 days?

90% - WOW!

The only way to be a part of the 10% of

us that are succeeding is to set

yourself up for success!

• Have a plan

• Set S.M.A.R.T goals

• Gather data

• Have support

Who do you currently have on

your side supporting you and holding you


The 10% who are succeeding never

go it alone!

Even the best of the best have their people!

If you have a dream of building a

thriving online business, let

nothing get in your way.

You are needed!

Going it alone?

How’s that working for you?


Hiring a coach has the potential to accelerate your business by 2-3



Having that one person who has been there and knows firsthand

what you need to level up will change your business… and your



“You can do anything as long as you have the

passion, the drive, the focus and the support!”

~Sabrina Bryan

• is exactly why

I created…



• it came to



• Accessible coaching• Accountability• Service• Education• Support• Entrepreneurial

Sisterhood• Success!!


• Monthly Syllabus

• Monthly Q&A Calls

• One on one Calls

• Challenge• Open office

hours• Suggested

books• Extra’s


Go Getter’s Online starts on January 11th, 2016

• 11-months• 2-levels• Retreat (photo shoot)• Mastermind weekend • VIP-day• Lots of 1:1 – this is a hand

holding coaching program – no shame!






This is a no fail coaching

program. It will guarantee you a spot in that 90%



