Xurtle display



Valuable Customer Communications with a Unique Survey Tool

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Valuable Customer Communications with a Unique Survey Tool

Xurtle Surveys fit into display ads to become an awesome marketing weaponHere are three ways to enhance your marketing toolbox…

“We spend a ton on display ads. But are they working?”

Measure the effective brand lift of creatives and campaigns…

Test different creatives before running the full campaign

One audience sees one ad…

Another audience sees another ad…

And a third audience hasn’t seen either ad…

…Then, everyone sees a brief survey. Did the message lift the brand? Did one creative sell the

brand better than the other?

Xurtle Displays help identify the creatives that will work while

isolating the quality audiences

Make the Most of the Spend and Increase ROI

Xurtle Displays help find the right blend for the campaign

“We want to know more about our potential customers without spending a fortune.”

Access the voices of a huge, targeted audience…

Display a Xurtle Survey to a targeted audience and get fast results

A Xurtle Display is the tool for simple, fast, affordable Market Research

“Too many people leave our site without buying anything.”

Open the gateway for online feedback from your non-buyers

Re-targeted surveys ask your potential customers directly why they didn’t buy

Win Back Customers, Increase SalesXurtle Displays let you open the door of communication

with your online customers

Xurtle Displays take your marketing efforts to the next level and make the most out of your marketing spend.

• Measure Brand Lift

• Conduct Targeted Market Research

• Get Actionable Customer Feedback
