WishClub INDIA Compensation Plan In English



A great service club, a Membership Club. It’s mission is to create media, launch interactive marketing plans, suggest MMN creative strategies that motivate people around the world to work for themselves, seeking autonomy in their lives and leaving behind a sedentary life, without horizons in traditional markets. Wishclub takes each one of these people to a new opportunity to change their lives in every way. Nothing is stronger than a motivated and happy life! Moreover, living happily with work, owning their own way, feeling the air you breathe and your goals are yours. That's something magical and extremely motivating, that makes people feel renewed every day, wanting to build, overcoming obstacles and achieving all the goals toward greater success! The world as it is today runs on the full, real-time integration of every conceivable form of communication. WishClub was born into this scenario as a company that was formed with the main objective of becoming a model of efficiency, innovation and sustainability through the formation of a large partners club that takes advantage of the Network Marketing tool. After observing the full spectrum of companies in this segment and their methodology, every organizational detail has been researched and studied, with its pros and cons, all to create a multinational company in this field, built not only to last 2 or 3 years, but with decade upon decade of sustainability. And so WishClub was founded - a Network Marketing company focused on the information publishing market through magazines and digital media advertising. WishClub is essentially a service club that has been created to join forces with the millions of independent consultants worldwide, self-employed people who seek a better quality of life and a deeper personal and professional satisfaction. They are motivated people and intensely passionate about what they do. Because of this passion, we find a unsurpassed motivation for the business that WishClub is using to make history. This is something that it is already achieving through the development of an innovative form of Network Marketing with integrated companies that have extensive and creative work platforms to generate an enormous field of work with full sustainability for everyone! WishClub has created and manages a comprehensive marketing plan. It is composed of a group of companies focused on finding the best solutions for its large number of worldwide consultants. It is part of the Asblkeu enterprise, the parent company, together with Wishmz, Backmidia, Shopcon, Allshoop and Brands&Gold. WishClub seeks the full integration of products and services between its businesses, with the main objective being sustainable growth, expanding and distributing income and quality of life to an unlimited partners club and millions of people in hundreds of countries. Team WishClub INDIA Call Us On: +919012692427 Mail Us On: www.wishclub@gmail.com

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