Why we need to control plastic waste ?


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Why we need to control plastic waste

The plastic industry is doing wonders every year because plastic is widely used in many aspects of our life. As the use of plastic-based materials has increased over the years, so has the wastage increase too. The overabundance of household waste is straining out the limited space in landfills and causing destruction to the environment. There is a need of wakefulness to keep the wastage under control that can help control this problem and make our environment clean and healthy. A single plastic waste product takes long years to degrade. Now you can imagine how such a throw away is destructing our environment and thus our health.

The initial step towards which anybody can get in is assessing the waste you produce. Observe the amount of waste you create every day. This way you can make changes in your daily habits of throwing waste plastic materials. Keep track of every material that you throw away in dustbins. This step would be given great help in knowing your bad habits towards the concern of the environment.

You can re-purpose items that you usually off the cuff as used. One can use the single polythene many times to carry fruits and vegetables from the market. You should carry your own bag while buying accessories rather than purchasing a new one every time you shop. This is the way to control a few percentages of its waste in the surroundings. Try to take the maximum use of plastic products you buy at some point of time.

You should also limit the use of disposables. In place of disposables, try to use products that can be washed and reused for the same purpose. Whenever, you are going out for shopping, pick products with less packaging. You can opt for cloth tote bags for shopping so that you do not have to buy plastic bags. Frozen food is the vital component in our foods so you can choose such foods, which are packaged in cardboard boxes. Cardboard boxes take very less time to get recycled or reproduced as compared to plastic.

Do not place bones, vegetable/fruit waste, meat, dairy products, bottles, polythene, fats, envelopes or pet feces in a composition. The smoke particles and plants can easily damage other plants in your back garden. Moreover, pet feces can contain pathogens that can cause various diseases to you and your family. The eatables like bones, meat, dairy, and fats all incite rodents and other pests to enter into your house.

All in all, we all have to come up with ideas that can save our environment and hence our good health. Do save your environment from excessive waste that is causing dangers to mankind.
