Why Should You Blog About Your Failures?



Find out why blogging about your failures is as important as writing about your successes and how it can help your blog readers in a meaningful way.

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Why Should You Blog About Your ‘Failures’ ?

You want to celebrate every small piece of success, don’t you? It makes you feel so good. You take extreme delight in writing about your successes.

But what happens when it comes to blogging about your failures or mistakes?

Why do most of you stop, all of a sudden?

Do you never fail?

Do you have a fear that talking about failures will tarnish your online reputation?

Do you want others to repeat the same mistakes while losing both money and time?

Do you think it’s not worth talking about?

Maybe, you are looking for some good reasons to blog about your failures …

Here are six of the best -

1. It Makes You Look Like a Human

I’m only human. I’ll make mistakes too.

2. It Helps People Open Up

We are engaged!

3. It Inspires Others

I failed too! But, I’ll try again.

4. It Teaches people How to Do It Right

5. It Makes You More Serious

Now that people know about my failures, they’ll call me a stupid if I repeat them.

6. It Glorifies Your Success


Success is a close relative of failure. As you start to work hard to achieve your blogging goals, you are sure to fail several times before finally meeting with success.

Your success inspires others. But so do your failures. Talking about your failures is as important as writing about your successes, because the purpose in both the cases is to lead blog readers towards the right path.

Edison, the quintessential American entrepreneur, was happy to embrace his role as a ‘champion of failures’, wasn’t he?

Therefore, you shouldn’t hesitate to talk about your failures or mistakes on your blog. It helps people learn and prevents them from making the same mistakes again.

It earns you trust, and respect!

[By: Obaidul Haque]

Twitter: @obaidulhaque Blog: www.hellobloggerz.com