Whats New With Wordstream Webinar



In this webinar with WordStream Marketing Director, Tom Demers, you'll get an overview of the exciting new features that WordStream has added in the past year, many of them in response to your feedback! These improvements include: * WordStream 2.0: An improved UI, increased keyword research functionality and more * Integration with Google Analytics * More granular keyword source analysis * Compatibility with Bing and Yahoo Search Marketing * And more!

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Making & Keeping Search Marketing Resolutions in 2010

Larry Kim, Founder, WordStream, Inc.

A Search Marketer’s New Years ResolutionsTools & Technologies to achieve your online marketing goals this yearAbout WordStreamQ & A


Keywords and Keyword Organization is Foundational for Search MarketingDo a bad job and nothing else works quite right!

1. Get More Organized

Select specific keywordsGroup together closely related keywordsWrite relevant ads and landing pages that speak to the intent of the searcher!

How Organization is Critical for Paid Search

Awful: Too Broad! OK: Somewhat Related

Better: Reflects Intent

Single Point of Leverage Affecting your Entire PPC Account!Relevancy of Keywords to Ad Group, Text Ad, Landing Page

Click Through RateQuality Score

Ad PositionMinimum Bid EstimateActual Cost Per ClickImpression ShareConversion Rates

How Effective Campaign Organization Benefits PPC


Keyword Organization

Author web content that is...

Specifically themed around narrow subjectsIncludes long-tail keyword variations in the page copyOrganize content with relevant intelligent information architecture!

How Organization is Critical for Organic Search

Wow. This is a lot of theory and sounds pretty hard. How do you actually implement an effective keyword organization plan??

But How Do I Actually Get Organized?

Keyword Research also includes NEGATIVE Keyword Research

Be on the Lookout for Negatives as you research – Tools give you suggestions: the suggestion could be right or wrong (a positive or negative keyword!)

Constantly mine your own traffic: See how people are coming to your site (historically and dynamically) and ruthlessly weed out bad keywordsUse a Negative Keyword Tool!

2. Lose Weight

Pay attention to Search Query “Modifiers” which reveal the searcher’s intent.

WordStream Negative Keyword Tools

Your Keyword Taxonomy is a proprietary, valuable assetDon’t let your valuable search marketing asset go up in smoke!Profitable insights can be gleaned by analyzing PPC and SEO keyword data side-by-side. Aggregate your SEO and PPC data so you can incorporate learning's from one medium to the other.

3. Quit Smoking

With every search and goal conversion on your site, your customers (and potential customers) are telling you something—are you listening?Traditional keyword suggestion tools provide keywords that might be relevant to your business.Web analytics applications provide valuable keyword research insights because the data is based on real searches and actual outcomes on your site.For best results, leverage both!

4. Listen & Learn

Your BEST Keyword Opportunities comes from Your Own Website!WordStream combines Web analytics data with Keyword Suggestion tool Data!The more expansive your keyword vault, the more you can leverage this valuable information in your PPC & SEO campaigns!

WordStream’s Approach to Keyword Discovery

Continuously re-factor new keyword opportunities into your existing keyword research, continuously expand and optimize!

Our Continuous Approach to Keyword Research

Obtain More/Better

Keyword Data

Keyword Research & Analysis

Group, Organize, Find Negatives, Prioritize Work

Publish Ads for PPC and/or

Landing Pages

Automate mindless repetitive tasksInstead focus on more meaningful Search Marketing tasks such as:

Content / Ad / Landing Page CreationPlotting Search Marketing StrategiesEtc.

5. Spend More Time with Family

There are an endless number of things you can tweak and optimize in a search marketing campaign. Plan a series of actions (i.e., a workflow) that will provide the biggest returns for time spent.Make sure that whatever key performance indicators you're tracking are actionable, and that the actions that you take are informed by your data.

6. Better Manage Your Time

Stop paying for old-school keyword discovery tools! Check out WordStream’s Free Tools

The Free Keyword ToolKeyword Niche FinderKeyword Grouper

7. Save Money

Check out our Free Search Marketing Learning Resources

WordStream Internet Marketing Bloghttp://www.wordstream.com/blog

WordStream on Twitterhttp://twitter.com/WordStream

8. Get a Better Education

Donate a portion of your savings from WordStream’s free tools & education, and increased profits to a worthy cause!:P

9. Support the Arts

Create an environment where all parties involved (copywriters, marketers, developers, etc.) are aware of search marketing best practices, and have the resources available to implement those best practices. Adopt tools and processes across your entire workforce to enable coordination and collaboration of PPC and SEO effortsGet help!

10. Reduce Stress!

Industry Buzz: Press & Influencers

Use WordStream Free Keyword Tool to supercharge the SEO content of your marketing materials.

“There is now a better way to manage huge keywords lists and this tool is called WordStream.”

“WordStream specifically helps raise productivity … SEMs will be using WordStream to strategically direct search marketing efforts in a collaborative way across entire organizations...”

“Comparing existing keyword management software to WordStream is like comparing a paper airplane with a supersonic fighter bomber. WordStream is intelligent, dynamic, fast and versatile.”

“The staff at WordStream is highly dedicated to their product…. and [it] is very valuable to the search marketer.” – Kate Morris

“Every time I talk to someone at WordStream the more impressed I am with the people. There are some smart, and very curious people who are trying to solve some interesting issues around keywords.” – Brad Geddes

Kate Morris Search Marketing with Attitude

Thank you for attending our Webinar!Questions?How to contact Larry:

Email: lkim@wordstream.comTwitter: http://twitter.com/larrykimWeb: http://www.wordstream.comTel: (617) 963-0555

Q & A – Thank you!