What’s new on Google+


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1 | 18.04.2023

What‘s new on Google+

May 20, 2013

2 | 18.04.2023

Google announced a slew of developments to Google+ at Google I/O last week.

Google+ combined with Google search, is an influencer management system that enables Google to build a social graph of each user and a semantic history of their web usage.

Google launched in November 2011 and according to Google’s own data reached 500 million users at the end of 2012. It is working hard to drive up adoption.

We’ve spent the last few days reviewing the new additions to Google+ and road testing some of the new features to understand what they mean for audience engagement.

What’s new on Google+

3 | 18.04.2023

The layout of Google+ has changed.

Content is promoted over features of the platform.

Content is served in white cards or tiles, against a muted grey background.

Form and function

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Navigation menu

You filter your news stream by individuals in your Circles, by selecting a Circle.

You can select between a single column or modular layout, optimised for your screen size and orientation.

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Analytics (+1s, comments and shares) for each piece of content is displayed on the reverse of each card.

It is accessed via the drop down menu on the post.

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Sharing content

Text posts are truncated with an option to click to access additional text.

If you share a link, the headline and URL appears alongside an image.

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Hashtag conversations

New Google+ posts are automatically tagged with a hashtag.

When you click on a hashtag Google+ collates all the related public posts, or posts that have been shared with you.

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Gmail Chat and Google+ Chat have been merged into Google Hangouts.

This is a powerful feature in itself that enables upto 10 people to participate in a live video discussion via the Internet.

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Google+ now includes auto enhancement to tweak images for brightness, colour, contrast and noise and automatically identifies your best photos.

Auto Awesome creates new versions of photos.

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The relationship between Google+ and Author Rank announced in November 2012, clearly sign-posted Google’s strategic intent for the platform.

The opportunity for organisations and brands is to promote their content via the platform through search and the networks of their employees and partners.

Organisations and brands have a further opportunity to use the platform to build their own communities via brand pages. These provide a means to directly engage with audiences via the platform, search and Google Maps.

Finally Google+ Communities and Hangouts provide an exciting means for two-way engagement.


11 | 18.04.2023

Stephen WaddingtonEuropean Director

Ketchum35-41 Folgate StreetLondonE1 6BX


