What Is World Voices? #WoVoChat 12-17-14


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Featuring WoVo Board Members

Dustin Ebaugh & Dave Courvoisier



What Is World Voices?

Twitter Chat Wednesday, December 17, 2014


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

Q1: In the midst of agents, and

unions, and P2P's, what function

does WoVO serve for the Voiceover

community? #WoVoChat

A1: We advocate for professional voice-actors. We

carefully choose areas where we think there needs to

be ethical leadership. #WoVoChat


A1: It’s important that AS A WHOLE voice actors need

to stand against unethical and unscrupulous people

preying on our VO’s. #WoVoChat


A1: As an industry trade association WoVo tries to

take the lead on issues that affect our profession.

We’re transparent. #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

Q2: Who runs the @WorldVoicesOrg

organization? #WoVoChat

A2: 11 people: 10 elected & an attrny who is not on the

board, but acts as counsel. We meet, run the org and

debate issues. A lot! #WoVoChat


A2: All of us on the board are professional voice-

actors with lots of experience. We’re elected and

members vote on our terms. #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

Q3: What are the advantages of being

a member of @WorldVoicesOrg?


A3: To know you’re contributing to the

professionalism of the business. Setting a standard.



A3: There are SOME perks, but mostly we’re looking

for people who want to contribute to the

professionalism of VO. #WoVoChat


A3: We’re launching a FREE-To Play site for our

members only to find work online. #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

A3: You become part of a supportive, professional and

enabling association contributing to our business.



#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

Q4: How do I keep up with goings-on of

@WorldVoicesOrg? What is the best

way to stay informed? #WoVoChat

A4: We send out a newsletter with “the latest” about

every 2 weeks. #WoVoChat


A4: Most all of our materials are present on our

website: www.world-voices.org #WoVoChat


A4: We keep active online social media groups on

Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

Q5: What would be expected of me as a

member if I join @WorldVoicesOrg?


A5: Pay your yearly dues ($49), help if asked and talk

up our organization. Legitimacy is important.



A5: Contribute to the conversation. We’re dealing with

some thorny issues all the time and need your input.



A5: We hope you come to our annual convention:

WoVoCon. In 2015 we meet in Las Vegas in April.



#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

Q6: So how do I as a #VoiceOver talent

join @WorldVoicesOrg? #WoVoChat

A6: Just go here: www.worldvo.org/register and fill

out the application. You can pay the application and

membership fees with PayPal. #WoVoChat


A6: To be a professional member of

@WorldVoicesOrg, you need at least 5 paying jobs

from clients to whom you are not related. #WoVoChat


A6: To be an Associate Member, all you have to do is

have an interest in voiceover and be willing to learn

and improve your craft. #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

Q7: What is the @WorldVoicesOrg

Mission? #WoVoChat

A7: WoVo’s Mission is to inform and educate about

best practices, standards for ethical conduct and

professional expertise for #VO. #WoVoChat


A7: To share voice acting’s importance to the public &

business leaders and the power of professional

quality voicing/recording. #WoVoChat


A7: .@WorldVoicesOrg wants to inspire through

articles, portfolios and recognition of achievement

and excellence. #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

A7: Represent the profession through a network of

chapters and independent professionals and

stimulate discussion of the industry. #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

Q8: Would I know any of the members

of @WorldVoicesOrg? #WoVoChat

A8: Some of our Industry Partners are

@NancyWolfson @vostudiotech @DnPSound

@VoiceOverXtra #WoVoChat


A8: Yes, it’s likely you will. We have amazing members

like @BobSouer @Unnouncer @CourVo

@DownunderVO @bradvenable @voiceoversbytd



A8: We can’t forget about @VoiceofAmy @MelissaEx

@MelissaMoatsVO @ShelleyVOGirl @voiceovergirl

@NatalieThomasVO and many more! #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

A8: Other members: Joe Cipriano, Pat Fraley, Joyce

Castellanos. #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

Q9: Do you ever get together to talk

business? Are there any

@WorldVoicesOrg in-person events?


A9: Also, once a year our membership attends our

annual meeting. This is usually held in the fall and all

members are invited. #WoVoChat


A9: Sure we do! April 17-19 we’re having WoVoConII at

Hilton Lake Las Vegas. We’d love for you to join



A9: Many of our members participate in WoVo

Meetups. Many groups available to join. It’s all

organizes by @hersmoothvoice. #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

Q10: Why is @WorldVoicesOrg

hosting these Twitter Chats?


A10: Coming soon, we’re going to have some special

guests on these chats, too. Might be coaches, studio

engineers, agents, etc… #WoVoChat


A10: We thought it would be a great way to

communicate with our members & future members in

real time and answer their questions. #WoVoChat


A10: We love hearing from our members as they’re the

ones driving the WoVo bus. We are by, for and all

about our members. #WoVoChat


#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

A10: Twitter chats are a great way to meet new folks,

engage & learn! #WoVoChat


Check out the entire 12/17/14 #WoVoChat at our



Join us every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month in 2015

for #WoVoChat at 12pmPT/2pmCT/3pmET!

#WoVoChat www.worldvo.org

January 14th & 28th July 8th & 22nd

February 11th & 25th August 12th & 26th

March 11th & 25th September 9th & 23rd

April 8th & 22nd October 14th & 28th

May 13th & 27th November 11th & 25th

June 10th & 24th December 9th & 23rd
