What is organic skin care


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We often hear the term organic

skin care but this term has gained

significance over the years due to

excessive use of chemicals in beauty

products and increase in pollution.

The word ‘organic’ signifies

everything green and herbal and it

is the only way to keep your skin

healthy and young.

Organic skin care is about inculcating

healthy habits in your routine. Few

healthy activities on a regular basis

can give a boost to your organic skin

care routine to a great extent. Some

basic activities include drinking water

(at least 8 glasses of water in a day),

regular exercise, meditation (as it

beats stress and thus has the ability to

render a natural glow to your skin)

and less indulgence in junk and oily


Another aspect of organic skin care

is use of organic cosmetics. If you

intend on switching to an organic

skin care routine, it is absolutely

essential to get rid of those synthetic

cosmetics and replace them with

organic and natural cosmetics. If

you desire to give that natural shine

to your skin, it is imperative to use

organic cosmetics. These cosmetics

are entirely natural and made only

from natural extracts and other

organic ingredients;

There is another method to take care of

your skin in an organic manner and that

is application or consumption of natural

extracts of several foods that are

beneficial for our skin. Natural

components like honey, yogurt, milk,

lemon, organic olive oil can do wonders

for your skin even when used in their

raw form.

For making your organic skin care

routine effective, it is mandatory to

protect your skin from harmful rays of

the sun. Exposure to sunlight can cause

long term damage to the skin and can

also hamper the process of skin

replenishment. Cover yourself completely

when stepping out in the sun or use

accessories like hats or umbrellas if it is

spotless skin that you want.

Email-id :- Organiccosmeticstore@gmail.Com

Address :- 3535 Colony Drive, Vancouver,

Bcv5r6g5 Canada

Phone No :- +1778-775-7249

