What are uses_of


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What are uses of ‘Results and Compare dialog’ in Revit in

connection to energy modeling?

Results and compare dialog is highly significant for design and construction professionals when

it comes to analyzing the results of energy modeling or energy simulations. That means for

addressing the results of energy modeling, BIM modelers accountable for performing such

activities have to access Results and Compare dialog. When energy simulations are completed

which are carried out with the support of an energy analytical model, its results are automatically

listed straight away within this dialog box.

Uses of Results and Compare dialog in Revit

For viewing the results of energy analysis, Revit users are required to approach Results

and Compare dialog, which resides in Energy Analysis panel and that can be approached

by clicking to Analyze tab.

When users are looking for viewing new as well as pervious simulations they have to

click Results tab, within the Results and Compare dialog.

If users want to view energy analytical model they again have to take the assistance of

this dialog.

Results and Compare dialog is very helpful for design and construction professionals

when it comes to comparing multiple simulations.

Results of energy simulations can also be opened by AEC professionals in Autodesk

Green Building Studio for the sake of improving them.

When it comes to emailing the results of energy analysis, Revit users have to take the

assistance of this dialog. Depending upon their requirement they can email a single chart

or they can also email the entire analysis.

When it comes to emailing an individual chart, users are required to click on it, for

separating its details.

For sending the analysis details to other people involved in the project users have to click

Email, which is located in dialog toolbar.

With the assistance of Results and Compare dialog, users can also export the analysis

results to other applications and utilize them according to their convenience.

Within this dialog box all kinds of charts and tables are available to users related to the

analysis and they can use them wherever wanted.
