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8 Critical Elements Every Website Homepage Must Have

Are you thinking of creating a website for your business? Since it is the best way to

reach your potential customers, you have to be very particular about its various

aspects. Your visitor's buying decision should be triggered after visiting your website.

Your website design and features should grab the attention of the visitors so that they

spend more time there.

Since homepage is the first page which will pop up when a visitor visits your website,

make sure it has all the important elements intact. Your homepage should summarize

your business in a nutshell. Designing the homepage of your website in the best

possible way is a must for your business marketing. Listed below are some of the

most significant factors which should be considered before creating the homepage for

your website.

1. Use Attractive Headlines

Instead of over-stuffing your homepage with content, use relevant and catchy

headlines. Remember that you have got less than 15 seconds to impress your visitors.

Go for attractive and catchy headlines which will engage your users. Your headlines

should be captivating enough to ensure that your visitors will visit your website again

and again.

8 Critical Elements Every Website Homepage Must Have

2. Give Short Descriptions

Your headlines can attract your visitors but you will need description to keep them

glued to your homepage. The homepage has got less space and many things have to

be integrated so go for a short descriptions. Add short description about the products

below each headline to help your potential customer take a buying decision. You can

convert your visitors into customers by description.

3. Provide Easy Navigation

Your visitors will stick to your website if you will provide them with an easy

navigation. Since you cannot integrate everything on the homepage, you will have to

make your visitors go for other pages as well. Try to make the navigation within your

website as easy as it can be. Your users should not face any problem while surfing

different pages of your website.

4. Integrate Direction Indicators

A good homepage should have the proper indicators to guide your visitor to their

favourite page. Being the owner of your website, you would certainly like your

visitors to visit certain pages first. Make sure that your visitors move to those specific

pages first and then to other pages. Use arrows to guide your user throughout your


5. Incorporate Social Media Buttons

In today's world the impact and utility of social media is phenomenal. By

incorporating different social media buttons, you can connect with millions of people

around the globe. You should use social site buttons on your homepage. Once clicked

8 Critical Elements Every Website Homepage Must Have

these buttons should redirect your visitors to the profile pages of your business. You

can get direct feedback from customers for improvement.

6. Show Testimonials and Awards

It is always better to show your achievements and appreciation on the homepage. You

can use testimonials and awards as a useful marketing tool to promote your business.

Positive feedbacks and prizes makes you more credible in the eyes of customers.

Your past happy and satisfied customers can bring you new customers with their

words of appreciation on your homepage.

7. Proper Call to Action

Any website without proper call to action will not serve its purpose. Your homepage

should use call to action. If you want to use your homepage as an effective marketing

tool for your business, call to action is a must. Your visitors might get confused

without call to action and leave your page. Use call to action if you do not want to

lose any valuable customer for your business.

8. Relevant Images and Videos

If you want to use your website's homepage as a marketing tool, images and videos

can help you in a significant way. Your images and videos are going to convey things

in a detailed and easy way. Your visitors will find it easy to connect with the images

than the content on your homepage. Use images and videos to connect to your

visitors in an interesting and engaging way.