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Website Design Trends

Website Design Northampton

2013 is going to be one of those years when the rest of the World Wide Web will flock towards an HTML 5 website that’s styled with the brand new features of CSS 3.

Here are some web designs trends that we believe will dominate in the year 2013.

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Responsive Website Design

Responsive design simply means your web or blog layout will look good on screens of all sizes.

One of the fundamental reasons why this markup language gained widespread acceptance amongst developers in the fact that it allows designing of web applications that automatically adjust itself on other small screen devices.

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Rather than requiring you to design a website version for every type of device or browser that comes along, responsive design enables you to build a website that responds automatically to users’ needs based on screen size and resolution.

Responsive website design is the future of design!

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Parallax Scrolling

2013 will see a lot of increase in the usage of parallax scrolling effects. This thing has been in the industry for sometime but earlier it was associated with video games only.

This feature will basically allow designers to control the depth of design objects on the website being designed.

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Designed Typography

However, selecting typography is no longer a small decision and selecting a trendy typography design is very important.

Our prediction is that 2013 is going to be the year of typography as it will be given much, much importance. In fact, typography will become an integral part of any website’s design.

Designers will no longer replace text with the beautiful images and will try to enhance website’s beauty through typography.

By 2013, it is expected that designers will give typography a lot of importance because it is considered to be the foundation of any website.

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Large Buttons

Owing to the prevalence of devices with touch screens, large buttons are becoming more common. Large buttons are easier to touch and tap, and they also enhance the visual appeal of a website.

The downside of large buttons is that they can slow down your site’s load times. To avoid this problem, generate buttons using CSS3.

Website Design Northampton

If you need help building a website that aligns with your business objectives and keeps up with innovative web design trends and technology, get in touch with Ocular’s talented team of website design experts today.

We’re a leading web design company that can assist you in developing a lasting presence in the ever-evolving virtual world.

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